Cassette 8: Side B

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I play the next part. I felt so guilty from hearing the last part of that tape.

Let's call you, Raye. This was going to be handed to you, but then I changed my mind. You "properly" didn't deserve this. You have your "own" stress. Everyone does. Just have to push it away, unless you keep adding it.
Anyways, I know your first move as of hearing this. Or someone telling you. If you were to tell the cops about this "unexplainable threat" or "insane tapes", I'm already dead. Like everyone wanted. Dead. And if files were to be made, to "whatever", case is, you're fighting for nothing.
And don't even think about my place. I have someone taking care of it. Say you want to "discard" it. You couldn't. Think of it as a biding type of game.
Oh, I'm sorry, you don't have enough for that.

I saw the jealousy in you from that night. To see someone with something bigger than you. Envy. Tsk tsk. Such disgrace isn't it?

Again, humans are disgusting little creatures.

We never did make a deep conversation or at least tried. You hated me so much. Even now. Maybe forever..

I try to comprise, you ticked it away.
I tried the old AI fashion, disliked it all.

So why did I even try? 

Because I loved him. I placed myself so low, for you. For him.

I blind myself. I played the blinded man. I played-
And I hate playing the male part in a relationship.

You never thought about my feelings. Did you?
Yes, supposed you "did help" in my situation. But then why do you still talk to him? Friends? Deep relationship? Hm, then tell me why the boy follows me. Tell me why the boy still continues.
You let him. You allow it.
"I haven't heard from him recently," is what I told and lied to you. Because I knew there wasn't a chance with you.

I'm not perfect, but she was wasn't she?
Beautiful long hair, perfect body. Perfect blood. Perfect style. She was better. Wasn't she?

Hey are you doing? Didn't you say you and "Amy" lasted longer than ever? Did you go back to her?
I guess not.

Who was she, Raye? I see her everywhere. Haunting. She lives near that house, huh? The house you want to live in.

She sighs sadly.

It's okay. When you all leave, I'll wait a couple of days. And I'll finally look at that knife. Bring myself to it. Because I'm not needed in this world. Never was. But again its okay. That mister said he didn't want anyone in that house. He's a tall man and I wouldn't want to make tall people mad.
Kinda scary for us short people, haha.
He even said he'd help me. That I'll be safe with him. Away from this never ending nightmare. He talked to me back at that house. And specifically said he did not want no man-kind in his land. But it's not my place.

Of course you think of me as a slut. But I never brought it up, now did I? Yes, do blame me for everything. Everything. Your child is perfect. I'm taking all the pressure, but am I stressing like you?

Didn't think so.

You are the "mental killers". People who use their words and mind games to kill others happiness and love. Life.

You were the main reason I killed my self. You and David. Miguel too. I'm not adding Clay here because he was never the problem. He's a good person.

Too good. Now I kinda think he was born into the wrong family. Then again everyone is different. I now I am.
And you wanted me to change that. Let me explain better, if you even speak the same tongue.
When you first meet me: I'm shy and closed.
Getting to know me: I joke around, be kind, and just a normal friend.
Knowing me: I'm a whole different person. My jokes are cringing but at least I make people smile. I claim to be family and care so much for a person.

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