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I Hate Him

COPYRIGHT © 2018 Jkissme
All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photo-copying or otherwise without the prior permission of the author.


This is a fanfiction book, so the characters are all fictitious. I do not own BTS members and the story, scenes, names, characters and places in this book are not related to anyone living or deceased.


Hi, I Hate Him is my first published book. Just want to tell that if some of the content in this story is same with any other stories, I apologize on my behalf. Maybe I got some inspirations from those books. Please take note that:

1) I'm not an English speaker as English is not my first language.

2) I'm not good at English.

So please understand that there will be so many grammar mistakes. I will try harder to write better, improve my English. But I hope you will understand and enjoy the story.

Love Daisies:

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