21 - We Started to Stay Apart

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Jin's POV

I woke up with a throb head hitting me hard. The bright sun rays hit my eyes through the curtain that was slightly opened. I was dazzled by it and forced me to close my eyes again.

But my dry throat forced me to wake up and looked around. There was no one and I kept my head moving back and forth. I couldn't remember what happened and had no idea where I was. But by looking around and smelling it, I was sure that I was hospitalized.

Just one thing that was clear in my head that put me in so much pain. I had a dream about him, about him leaving me.

He was Yoongi.

I used my elbows to push my body to sit up. I tried to grab the glass on the night stand and the door was slided revealing my mother.

"Oh God Seokjin! You have woken up. Wait, let mom get you water". My mom walked to me closer and get me the water.

I gulped down the liquid and gained a little energy. My mother kept looking at me, as if she had too many questions she wanted to ask.

"What happened to me mom?" I asked.

"You have a fever and were found unconscious yesterday." My mom smiled. I tried to remember what happened but my mind didn't let me. So I just ignored it and kept drinking.

"How are you feeling, dear?" My mom asked me right after I put the glass on the tray back.

"I'm feeling better, mom. Thanks for taking care of me". My mom grabbed my hands in hers, looking at me directly to my eyes and smiling.

"Mom, where is Yoongi?"

Her smiled dead. She then started to look anywhere but my eyes, as if she couldn't find the right answer to my question.

"Mom, is Yoongi okay? I had a bad dream about him. He still is resting in his room, right? Can we visit him? I hope he won't do much things, he needs to rest".

My mom went silent. She then looked at me, with tears brimmed in her eyes. I raised my brows, wondering why was she crying. My mom then looked down, wiping her cheeks and smiled the moment she looked up back.

"Yes, he is okay. Don't worry, we will visit him later. So let's eat first okay? You didn't eat since yesterday. Look, mom brought you chicken soup, your favourite!"(it's my favourite actually🤗).

My mom poured me a bowl of chicken soup. It was still hot and tempting. The smell filled the air and my stomach growled, asking to be fed.

"Here it is", She put the bowl on the table in front of me.

"Mom brought rice and kimchi. You want it?" I just nodded my head as my mouth was fulled. I was so hungry as I finished all the foods. Then my mom gave me my medications.

I gulped down the medicines and got ready to wash up. I wanted to visit Yoongi and I couldn't wait to see him recover day by day.

When I finished, my mom had already prepared my black shirt and black suit.

Quickly putting the shirt and suit on, I walked to my mother who was waiting for me. My mother then held my hand.

"Jin-ah, are you really okay?" She asked. I raised my brows, trying to understand what did she try to say.

"I'm okay mom. Why?"

"No, don't you really remember? About yesterday? About Yoongi?".

I clenched my fists. Bitting my lip, I looked down. My eyes started to build a warm liquid.

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