42 - He Has Changed?

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Jin's POV

I looked outside the window and saw Jungkook with Yoon was playing at the pool. Yoon was already 4 years old and he became talkative, asking me a lot of questions.

I knew he was growing and his inquiry level would be increasing, kept asking anything he saw. 4 years old already, I sent him to school and he surely learned a lot there.

"Pa...Pa... ", I turned my head and looked at Yoonmi, my 11 month old daughter biting her plastic spoon. I was feeding her brocolli chicken porridge, and she was happily sitting eating it.

My baby girl loved to eat

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My baby girl loved to eat. She would never say no to food, and I always gave her the best meal just like Yoon.

"Yoonmi-ah, that's enough. You have had a lot, you even had bread earlier." I said to her and quickly washed her mouth.

Jungkook and Yoon came in and walked towards me.

"Jin, I have to go to office. I have to check a few reports before meeting on Monday. Sorry, I can't spend my time with you a lot. I am handling a big project this time and I hope you understand, okay?", He said cupping my cheeks with his face showing 'sorry'.

"I thought you are not going to work? It's already 9 am. You always go out at 7 am", I said, a bit shock.

"I was about to stay at home but my secretary just informed me there are a bunch of files waiting to be checked. I'm sorry okay? I will try to make it up later", He replied.

"Okay, please be careful. Don't overwork yourself and call me if you need anything", I said weakly. I had to understand him.

I looked at him going upstairs and Leena coming to get Yoon and Yoonmi to clean them.

Jungkook had been working harder lately, he rarely at home and he said he had to stay back to finish all the works.

When he got home, it was always when I was already slept with the kids. I wanted to wait for him but I was so tired and didn't realize I was already sleeping.

He also said to not wait for him and told me to rest. How could I not? I wanted to make sure he was safely home, to make sure he didn't sleep with an empty stomach, to make sure he was alright.

But the next morning, I would be greeted by him leaving early without having breakfast. He left earlier than before and I couldn't make him breakfast that early.

But today, I thought he wasn't going to work but I guess work came first.

A few minutes later, I saw him walking down the stairs with black suit wrapping his body and briefcase in his hand.

He immediately walked to the door and I was about to walk towards him only could see his body disappeared into the door.


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