34 - Betray

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Jungkook's POV

We arrived at the said location. It was already dark. The police came out and Inspector Bogum told me to stay in the van, for my safety.

"No, please let me join you. I want to save him!"I insisted.

"I'm afraid you will be in danger, Mr Jeon".

"I don't care, I just want to make sure be will be saved. I don't care if it will cost my life, I will save him no matter what will happen to me. Please let me", I begged. Inspector Bogum went silent and looked at me. He was hesitated but then nodded his head.

"Okay. Please be careful", He said. I nodded my head and came out from the van along with them.

I looked at the other van with Mr. Lee's men. They were ready to save Jin. One of his trusted men, Jisoo, a guy with tattoo all over his body, was a former MMA fighter. He was suspended for 5 years as he accidentally killed his opponent during a national match. He then decided to stop permanently and worked under Mr. Lee.

We began to walk into the warehouse and police surrounded the area. I was so eager when Inspector Bogum gave commands to move into the area. We then came in and looked around the warehouse.

It was so quiet. Nothing could be seen except some old wardrobes, chairs, beds and broken glasses. We looked into the rooms and they were empty.

Then a police came bringing us a phone. It was Seokjin's phone and a note.

'Disappointed? Seokjin is safe with us. Don't worry.'

I crumpled the paper and sighed. I thought I was going to meet that bastard today but they were fast.

I felt so mad to the point I wanted to hit everything in front of me. I lost Seokjin!

"Please inspector, save him", I kneeled down in front of him begging for him to save Jin. My tears began dripping down my face and the sobs could be heard filling the area.

"Please... "

"We will try our best. Let us take you home first. You are tired. We will ask for help from other police stations to look for your husband. Don't worry", Inspector Bogum said.

"It's better to take you home, sir. We will try to look for him again as soon as possible. I'm worried about you. Your son needs you", Mr. Lee said. He patted my shoulder and pulled me to make me stand up.

I nodded my head weakly and moved to the van with the note and Jin's phone. From the lockscreen, it showed Jin was kissing Yoon's cheek and they were smiling happily.

'I'm sorry Jin, I'm a useless husband'

"Sir! We found someone here!" One of the officer shouted, pointing to the last room.

Inspector Bogum walked to the said room, followed by us and saw a man lying with his hands tied up, unconscious.

My eyes widened. It was Jimin!


"Do you know him?" Inspector Bogum asked. I nodded my head.

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