17 - The Time Had Stopped

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Jungkook's POV

I looked at Jin walking to his room. I couldn't do anything when he pushed me from him.

When he already disappeared, I made my way to my room. After cleaning myself, I laid down on my bed.

Today after breakfast, I went out to Jimin's apartment. I wanted to clear the things between us.


I opened Jimin's door. Luckily, he didn't change his door's password. I walked inside, trying to not making any noise.

I slowly walked to Jimin's room and pushed the door. I saw Jimin was laying on his bed, crying.

"Jimin" . He lifted his head looking at me.

"Go! Don't come here anymore! I hate you!" Jimin threw the pillows to my direction. Some hit me but it didn't hurt me.

I walked closer. He looked so messed. His red and swollen eyes were looking at me. He was so mad.

"I'm sorry babe. I had to take care of him. He was sick. Please understand." I sat on the edge of the bed.

He rolled his eyes and pulled up the blanket, covering his head. He turned over making his back facing me.

"Get out!"

"Okay I will go, you still need time. But please, I want you to know that I love you". I slowly stood up and suddenly I felt a pair of hands holding my hand making me stop.

Jimin was sitting and looking at me with pleading eyes. I sat down and faced him.

"You really love me, Jungkook?"

"How many times do you have to ask me the same question? Of course I love you Jimin!" I ran my fingers in his hair.

"What about Jin?". I stopped. I couldn't answer him. Jimin looked annoyed and asked me again.

"Answer me Jungkook! What about him? Do you love him?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know about him. Can we not talk about him?" I didn't want to talk about Jin this time.

"Divorce him! I want him to disappear from your life!" Jimin looked at me with confident. I lost my words.

I wouldn't divorce Jin. No, I never thought of divorcing him.

"Jimin, I-", I couldn't finish my words as Jimin's door bell was rang.

Jimin immediately climbed down the bed and walked out the room. I followed him to see who was it.

Jimin opened the door, revealing the guy whom I saw before. Taemin! But he didn't realize I was there as I was standing a bit from them.

"Taemin ssi, what are you doing here?". Jimin's face looked so shocked.

Taemin didn't answer him but instead he came inside and hugged Jimin. My eyes widened. That guy hugged my boyfriend!

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