26 - I'm Not Ready To Meet You Again

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Jin's POV

I laid down my bed. Yoon was already sleeping in his baby crib. I felt so tired after a long flight, but I need to unpack some clothes and wash the dirty clothes as well.

I lookes around. My two-floor house was quite big for both of us to stay here. I asked Hoseok to find us house as I wanted to stay alone with Yoon.

The house was full furnished but it still needed more decorations. I wanted to decorate Yoon's own room as well.

I walked down the stair with a basket of dirty clothes. After doing the laundry, I made a cup of hot chocolate to warm up my body. The temperature was cold enough to make me shiver that night.

I sat on the couch after putting the cup on the table. Resting my head on the headrest, I closed my eyes. I suddenly remembered the event at the airport today.



He called me. I didn't expect to meet him this soon. 2 years without him had made me strong as I had been struggling as a single father.

He came closer. He didn't change that much. Just growing some thin beard but he looked skinnier compared to the last time I met him.

"Dude, I'm not gonna be that rude, but why the fuxk are you here?", Hoseok's voice made him stop walking.

"I want to talk to Jin. Alone. Can I?" They looked at me. Nodding my head, they walked to the car with my bags, leaving me, Yoon and Jungkook.

"Jin.... "

"Make it fast, I want to come home to rest. My baby needs to rest too", I still refused to look at him. Instead, I hugged Yoon to calm myself from uneasy feelings inside of me.

There was a moment of silent between us, which made me became impatient.

"Jungkook! What do you wan-" I couldn't finish my words when I looked at him. He was crying.

"He..is mine, r-right?"

I looked away. I wasn't ready to tell him about Yoon. But it was unfair if I kept it from him. Jungkook was still Yoon's father, he had a right to know.

"Tell me Jin. He is our son, right?" Jungkook hugged me from my back. My body tensed up, after a long time I could feel his touch again.

I could feel his breath on my neck. Yoon was still busy with his toy, didn't have an idea that his other father was there.

"Jungkook, I feel uncomfortable. Can you stop hugging me?" I told him with a stern voice. But he still didn't let me go.

"And yes, he is your son. So? Stop acting like everything was fine. I just want to live with my child in peace, so let me go, now!"

I pushed him and walked to Hoseok's car. Jungkook stumbled back a bit. He tried to grab my arm, but I was quick enough to run from him.

I got in the car and put Yoon in his baby car seat. After buckling up, the car moved leaving the airport, leaving him that was standing there, looking at us.

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