23 - Am I Imagining Things?

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Jin's POV

I looked at the man that was still sleeping next to me. His soft face looked so calm and I couldn't help myself when a naughty thought came into my mind.

I played with his hair with intention of waking him up. Then, I played with the tip of his nose using my fingers. Trailing my fingers down to his lips, I touched every part of his soft lips.

But then when I looked up to his eyes, he was already staring at me and suddenly I felt my finger got bitten by him.

"Aww!" I groaned in pain. He then let my finger go and chuckled over his own act.

"Who told you to do that, huh?" He asked and then pulled me closer to his embrace. I let him pull me and closed our gap by hugging him.

"It's our second day of honeymoon and you are still sleeping. I'm hungry", I whined but I was really so hungry. We pulled back.

"Aww, my baby is hungry. Come here, eat me", He said jokingly and leaned his head in closer to me. I slapped his chest gently, earning a laugh from him.

"Kook stop playing! I am serious!"

"Okay okay! Don't be mad. I was just kidding, baby. Come, let's clean ourselves first." I was about to pull away from his hug but then he pulled me back.

"Or, you wanna continue our 'hot session' from last night?" He smirked. I widened my eyes. This guy was unbelievable.



"Happy first anniversary my dear Jeon Seokjin. Thank you for existing, thank you for wanting to marry me even we both know that it was my hyung who made us married. But I believe, it was our destiny made us for each other. Nothing can describe my words how happy I am, but believe me, I really love you, love you so bad". Jungkook pulled me into his embrace and inhaled my hair's scent.

"I love you too, Jungkook. Thank you for letting me to love you. Thank you for everything. You mean so much for me." I tightened the hugs. Inhaling the air of Valetta, we both standing on the bridge looking at the sea.

It was already a year since we both got married. But we took months to know each other, understand each other, solving the problems and lastly, love each other.

We ended up loving so hard and were still looking forward to where future might bring us to.

Jungkook then bought us another pair of rings. I told him to not buy another ones as we already had ones but he insisted he wanted to buy his own choice. I forgot it was Yoongi that had chosen the ones that we were wearing.

So I let him. I let him do anything just to make him happy. But I secretly bought us a pair of couple necklaces, as his birthday was in a month from now, so I decided to get it as a gift for him.

At night, we decided to just walk around the city and saw some buskers made their performances in the street. Jungkook stopped walking and looked at me. I raised my eyebrows,  asking him.

"What?" I asked him.

"I want to sing", He smiled, showing his bunny smile.

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