15 - Unexpected

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Jin's POV


He smiled. I was speechless. My mouth was glued and I felt my blood was blocked from flowing in my body.

"It's been a while Jin."

I was so shocked. I hadn't seen this guy for almost 8 years. I couldn't utter any words that I couldn't believe I met this guy in unexpected situation.

"You two knew each other?" Hoseok asked us.

"Yes. We were-"

"We were high school friends!" I cut Taehyung's word off. Taehyung looked at me but I didn't ready to look back at him.

"Really? That's great! So there's no need for me to introduce you two. But Tae-ah, this guy is my bestftriend since college, you know Kim Seokjin and Jin, this is my boyfriend", Hoseok was smiling showing how happy he was when he said Taehyung was his boyfriend.

"Your boyfriend? Wow, I never knew you had boyfriend! Since when?" I was so curious since Hoseok was so timid when it comes to having boyfriend. He was afraid he might get a bad one that could break his heart.

At this time I realized Taehyung didn't even get his eyes off of me, which made me nervous and I disliked it.

"It was like couple of months ago. We met in the hospital. Do you remember my sick grandmother? He is her doctor", Hoseok's cheeks were getting red, he was too shy telling me about his love life.

"Wow that's great! You finally have someone you love Hoseok! I am proud of you." I patted his shoulder, earning a soft chuckles from him.

"So how have you been? You look so good. Wow a doctor! No wonder you have been missing since you moved", I looked at Taehyung and asked him.

Taehyung was slightly smiling, but looked bitter for me. I didn't want to remember the old days. Some were not needed to be remembered.

"I felt great. Yeah I moved to America with my family". I nodded my head.

"Actually, I was looking for Namjoon. I thought he was here?" I looked at Hoseok.

"He was here earlier but he said something came up in his agency", Hoseok explained. "By the way, you shouldn't be here, Jinnie. You have to rest. You were just discharged from hospital." Hoseok looked concern.

"I wanted to check our store. You know I have been away too much and I am afraid you might have difficulties handling our store alone"

"No Jin, everything is okay. I understand that, it was something you can't avoid." Hoseok said.

Then I heard the were knocks on the door. The door opened then there was Jackson with my iced Americano.

He handed it to me and immediately walked out the office after I thanked him.

"Taehyung, wanna drink something?" I asked him.

"Thanks but no. I already had coffee before." Taehyung smiled. "Then, I have to go. My break time is almost end. Need to go back to the hospital. See you Hoseok-ah! And you too Jin!"

Taehyung then made his way to the door after pecking Hoseok's cheek. Hoseok giggled happily.

I felt happy for him. He finally had found his loved one. Even though I had something with Taehyung before, it was a long story and I didn't want to remember that.

I looked at Hoseok. He immediately walked to his desk.

"Yah! Don't you think you have to share something to me?" I teased him.

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