37 - Everything Would Be Okay

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Jungkook's POV

"Sir, Taemin is already caught and he is brought to the Seoul Police Station", I hung up the phone move forward to Namjoon.

"Anything else you want to say before we handed you to the police?" I grabbed Namjoon's hair asking him.  Blood was trailed down his face, with his tied up in front of me. We were in an empty warehouse near the port, where my men found him trying to flee using a boat.

"I didn't rape him" He managed to say with his wounded mouth.

"But you made him! You helped Taemin!" I pulled his head closer to me.

He gave a devilish grin.

"So, what are you gonna do now? Kill me? Come on! Kill me! Kill me if that's what you want!", He laughed.

"You are insane!" I let his hair go and slapped his cheek.

"Yeah! Insane for Jin. He shouldn't be with you. You did nothing good but hurt him. I have been keeping this feelings since we were young. It hurt me knowing he is married and I tried to be happy for him. But thinking about how you hurt him made me wanted to take him from you. He might not have told me but I knew from his sad eyes! His eyes told me he wasn't happy. Jin should be with someone that loves him, not like you! I knew you Jungkook! You have been cheating on Jin but I didn't want to hurt him by telling him your wrongdoings. I tried to have him to love me but all he sees is you! And when both of you became a happy couple, I could see he was so happy, but I never believe you. You might have shown him you loved him, but for me you will hurt him sooner or later. So I sent you the pictures. See? Your stupid head believed the pictures more than him. Yes! I want the two of you broke up. I don't care anymore, all I want is Jin. But after both of you divorced, I could see he still loved you. He still waiting for you to come to  him. And Yoon-" He stopped talking and cried instead.

"....Yoon, I love him. I don't care if he is not my son, I still love him. I want to take care of him".

"If you love Yoon, you shouldn't have kidnapped Jin from Yoon. You know how he can't live without Yoon but you still did that! You are not human, you are devil!"

"Kidnapping him was Taemin's plan. I didn't know he wanted to do that! All I did was separating you two. So I could have Jin to myself", He said sniffling.

"What about Taemin? Didn't he want Jin too?" I asked him. If Taemin wanted Jin, Namjoon wanted Jin as well, how would it happen? It wasn't like they would share.

"It's simple. We will fight or even kill each other. The winner will have Jin", He smiled closing his eyes. The tiredness of getting hit was showing and he was panting gasping for air after talking too long. He was already stop crying.

"You two are sick! You two love Jin but your loves are killing him". He didn't respond. Slowly turned my body, I walked to Mr. Lee.

"Call Inspector Park", I said to him. He nodded his head. "You did a good job, Jisoo. I'm counting on you on how you deal with Namjoon. Just remember, don't kill him".

"Okay sir. Don't worry". He dialed Inspector Park's phone.

I looked to Namjoon.

'You did nothing good but hurt him'

Yes, I have been hurting Jin but he still wanted to forgive me. He deserved someone better, but that someone would be me as I would try to make things up for him and be a better man for him.

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