39 - Forgiving Could Heal Every Heart

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Jin's POV

I was with Yoon and my mother, sitting in the living room. Jungkook and his parents were at work and my father just went home. The restaurant had to be taken care and he couldn't leave it for too long. They had been here in Seoul for almost a week and he decided to go home earlier than my mother.

"Breaking news, the CEO of an entertainment agency who was arrested after kidnapping the husband of Jeon Group's CEO, was found dead in his jail cell this morning, is believed was killed by his cell-mate. The CEO, Lee Taemin, 28 years old was arrested at Sunshine Orphanage at 20th April was found dead with a big cut at his neck, is believed to be the reason of his death. The killer, Kim Namjoon was Lee's ally in his crime, had admitted in killing Lee, was taken to be investigated for more futher information"

My eyes diverted to the tv screen, watching the anchor delivering the report in the BTS morning news. It was a shocking news as I never had thought Namjoon would do that.

Killing? Namjoon would never do that. I knew he had done something wrong to me but killing would be the worst and last thing he do.

"Namjoon, what have you done?", I whispered.

The ringing sound from my phone snatched me from my deep thought and my eyes diverted to the caller ID.

"Yes Kook?" I answered.

"Have you watched the BTS morning news?" He asked. My brows furrowed. He must have watched the news too.

"Yes. About Taemin's death? Why?"

"Inspector Park just called me. He wanted us to go to Seoul Police Station. Namjoon has requested to meet you. I didn't allow it, it might bring you harmness as he is known as a dangerous person for now. But Inspector Park said Namjoon kept crying and begging to meet you for the last time. What do you think? It's up to you now. If you don't want it, I will tell them about it".

Namjoon wanted to meet me for the last time?

"What does he mean for the last time? Isn't his case is still in proceedings? He still has more trials to attend, right?", I asked Jungkook.

"Yes, he still needs to attends more trials. I don't know Jin. Maybe he was afraid he couldn't meet you if he is sentenced to death. Who knows. So what do you think? If you are afraid, don't worry I will be by your side", He asked again.

"Alright. Let's meet him"


"Mr. Jeok Seokjin, please come in". The officer came telling me to come into the room where the inmate meet people from outside.

"Are you sure you want to go alone?" Jungkook asked me again. I told him I wanted to meet Namjoon alone.

I came in and sitted on the chair. The officer told me to wait there while he told the other officer to bring Namjoon.

I waited for almost 3 minutes. And suddenly the door was opened from outside revealing Namjoon and the earlier officer, bringing him to his seat.

I looked at him. He looked so different from the Namjoon I used to know. He grew a thin beard and a dark circle was visible around his eyes. His untidy long hair almost covered his eyes. He looked terrible but looking at his state, I couldn't describe my current feelings about him. About what had he done towards me, how bad his intention in ruining my life.

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