41 - Over Protective

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A year later

Jin's POV

I was on my way to Jungkook's office with his lunch boxes in my hand. After dropping me off, I told my driver to not wait for me and told him to go home.

I never so fond of having a chauffeur where I could drive on my own. But Jungkook insisted for me to have one, just like how I didn't want a maid, he brought one from his parent's mansion.

But I gave in. He said everything he did was all for me and my children.


Yes right now I was carrying an eight months baby girl in me. My due date would be in a month but I knew the baby would be out anytime in this month.

And when I told him about my second pregnancy for the first time, he was so happy but he became so protective.

He didn't even allow me to drive, he said the steering could harm my baby.

He didn't even allow me to cook, he said cooking would consume a lot of my energy. But I always cooked when he was away. He was being over protective and it made no sense at all.

Well, those cases would be acceptable but not when we were eating. Could you ever imagine he didn't even let me using my own hand?

"Right now your hand is me. If you want to eat, just call me I will bring you your food, I will feed you. Don't ever think to eat on your own"

Really Jungkook?

He even came home during lunch to make sure I would have my meals, for almost 8 months. I tried to tell him I could do everything but he insisted that;

"No, you need to have a good rest. I will do everything for you, you just have to take care yourself and our baby. I will take care of Yoon too"


And being a stubborn Jungkook, I would never get to deny his words.

And after trapping in the house for a long time, I decided to cook lunch for him and go to his office.

Ahh mentioning about his office, he didn't allow me to go there. He said there were many people coming in and out from the company and his office, they would bring germs and he didn't want me to get infected.

He always came home and directly taking bath just to make sure me and Yoon didn't get the germs he brought.

I......lost my words......

Basically, I wasn't allowed to do anything. Just rested on the bed and maybe if peeing could be done on the bed, I would pee everywhere in the room.

So I came here to his office, of course without telling him. He wouldn't let me, for sure. I couldn't understand him. Staying at home was suffocating and I need some fresh air.

"Hi Jia", I greeted his secretary.

"Hi Mr. Jeon Seokjin", She greeted back and walked closer to me. "Let me help you", She pulled me closer to her desk.

"Is Jungkook inside?" I asked her.

"Yes, but-"

"Okay great. I want to surprise him and see his reaction after seeing me here", I said giving her a sweet smile.

I walked to the door and twisted the door knob. Slowly pushed it, I looked inside only seeing Jungkook hugging someone.


I accidentally dropped the lunch boxes which produced a loud thump and made the two of them look at me.

"Jin? What are you doing here?" Jungkook stood up and walked towards me.

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