36 - I Will Protect You!

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Jungkook's POV

"Jeon Jungkook", I shook his hand. "Please come in".

"So Mr Jeon, I'm here to help you to get Taemin", He said after sitting on the couch.

I had seen Taemin for several times at the company's event after I caught him with Jimin before. And both of Taemin and Taehoon were identical twins where people couldn't differentiate them, except a small mole on Taehoon left cheek that I could barely see.

"He has a Possessive Personality Disorder", He continued.

"He what?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"Possessive Personality Disorder. Simply say, he is being possessive over something that he loves. He tried to make Mr. Seokjin to be his and when he got rejected, he tried another way to get him again. He was diagnosed before he got adopted but everyone thought he wouldn't get worse", He said.

"He showed us the symptoms after he had a fight with other kids in the orphanage. He claimed all of his friends were his and they weren't allowed to be friends with other kids. But he didn't act like that towards me, I'm his brother though. Maybe because we weren't that close since we were kids. I often going out for school's sports event and I didn't spend my time enough with him".

"I stayed at the orphanage until I graduated from high school, then moved out to look for him. I knew he was taken to Seoul but I couldn't find him there. So I worked and applied scholarship to further my studies to America and stayed there until now. I never saw him ever since he was adopted", He added.

"So, you must had seen Seokjin at the orphanage, right?", I asked.

"Yes, he was always there with his parents, almost every weekend. He gave us foods and played with us. He even gave us our presents during Children's Day. I remembered it, Taemin got mad when Seokjin gave other kids the presents. For him, everything from Seokjin was his including Seokjin himself. Seokjin has a pure heart and it's understandable if Taemin loved him. But his love was wrong because in the end, he hurt Seokjin", Taehoon said shaking his head.

"I'm sorry on my brother's behalf. I will make sure he will be punished for the consequences he had caused. But I understand if you don't want to forgive him. He deserves it anyway", Taehoon looked down. The sadness could be seen in his face.

"It's up to Jin if he wants to forgive him. But for me, touching my properties means you are dead", I said in a firm tone. I said what I said, my family was my everything and any harm on them would cause you either die or die.

Taehoon let a bitter smile hearing me. He might be hurt, but Seokjin was way more hurt because of his brother.


We were startled by the sounds screaming from upstairs. I looked to where the sounds came from and saw Jin was sitting with his hands covering his ears, screaming his lungs out looking at us.

"Kook, Tae-taemin-", He said pointing his finger towards Taehoon.

I stood up and walked up the stairs to Jin. He was in a crying mess and I quickly hugged his body. He was trembling and with a shaking voice, he tried to speak.

"Taemin is here", He said.

"No baby, that's not Taemin. He is Taehoon, Taemin's twin. Come let's go to our room, ok?", I whispered into his ear and carried his body in a bridal style. He was still shaking and I was sure he couldn't walk properly.

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