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I woke up when I heard the alarm sound ringing from my phone. I turned it off then I heard someone groaning in frustration because of the alarm's sound.

I sat up and looked everywhere in the room. I saw him on the bed, slept soundly and me on this couch with my back hurt. I should be grateful because I still had a chance to sleep here.

Suddenly a yesterday's event popped up in my mind. Yesterday was my wedding day that I have waited for years where I wanted to be married to someone that I really loved. But it turned out that someone that became my husband was not that someone I really loved, but was a total stranger that I just got to know yesterday.

I was supposed to be married to Jeon Yoongi, my boyfriend that I met 3 years ago. We were supposed to meet a day before the event because he said he wanted to introduce me to his brother that had been staying in America since high school.

When I arrived to where we were supposed to meet, he didn't come and didn't pick up my phone calls. I have been waiting for 4 hours and ended up going home without meeting him and his brother.

I was so sad that he ignored my calls. I kept calling him on my way home but still got no answers. I kept telling myself everything would be ok. He would come tomorrow for our wedding day. He won't leave me.

But all my hope turned to dust when he didn't come to our wedding ceremony. In my waiting room, I kept on calling him but my calls couldn't get connected to his phone. I tried, tried and tried but still got the same result.

I met my family and his family outside the room. They told me they couldn't get in touch with yoongi. I felt my tears rolled down my cheeks. Where was he? Why did he do this to me? Did I do something wrong?


"Dad, it's him"

I heard unfamiliar voice talking to Mr Jeon, yoongi's father. They were talking and I saw Mr Jeon talking on the phone.

"Yoongi! Where are you? Don't you know what day today is? It's your fucking wedding day! Come here in instant!"

Yoongi? I felt more tears rolling down as I heard his name and began to walk to Mr Jeon to ask him about yoongi. Then Mr Jeon handed me the phone.

"Yoongi w-where are y-you? You are coming r-right?" I began to talk.

"Jin, I'm sorry. I can't marry you. I just realized I'm not ready. Let's just call the wedding off. And I want us to stop meeting after this. We are over!" I heard a weak voice that I really loved, but really breaking me at this time. A voice that kept telling me about love was now putting much pain in me.

"Why Yoongi? Did I do s-something wrong? P-please tell m-me" I almost couldn't speak properly as my tears couldn't stop dripping.

"No Jin, you did nothing wrong. It was just me that think both of us are not meant to be together. And once again, I'm sorry. Don't look for me. Bye!" With that, he ended the call.

I gave Mr Jeon the phone back. I felt so ashamed to everyone that I felt I must have been doing something terrible that made Yoongi to leave me. I hugged my mom and cried on her shoulder.

Then I felt a soft hand hugging me from my back, it was Mrs Jeon. After hugging me, she then spoke to her husband but I didn't hear what they were talking about.

"Mr and Mrs Kim, I am sorry on my son's behalf. We never knew he would do something terrible like this, abandoning his own wedding ceremony without a proper explanation. So we have decided to not calling the wedding off. We will marry Jin off to our second son, Jeon Jungkook. This would be based on your choices too, I just wanted to keep my company and business a good reputation because what yoongi is doing right now will be really putting us in damage and put both of the parties in ashamed. And to Jungkook, I hope you would be agreed to this wedding. Jin is a good guy, your mom and I have been knowing him for a long time and I know you can take care of him" Mr Jeon began to speak.

I looked at them in shock. I didn't plan my wedding to be like this. And most important thing was I wanted to get married to Yoongi, not just anyone random.

"Please, if marrying Jin to Jungkook will help us, we are agreed to Mr Jeon. I don't want people to talk bad about all of us, especially my son Jin, he is our only child and we want the best for him" My dad suddenly talked to all of us and my mom nodded her head, agreeing to my dad.

"Dad, really? You did this without even discussing it with me?" I heard that Jungkook called guy tried to against Mr Jeon's. Mr Jeon looked at him.

"It's for both of Jin's family and our family's sake! I won't let that ungrateful son putting us in shame! So this time I want you to listen to me because I have been giving you all the things that you wanted. Marry Jin and everything's solved!" Mr Jeon began to raise his voice and Mrs Jeon trying to calm his husband down.

I still hugging my mother and both of us were crying. Jungkook looked away and looked at me in frustration. He the began to talk again.

"I just met that guy today dad! There's no way that I would get married to someone that is a total stranger to me. No dad! It was Yoongi's fault, why should it me that have to clean his damage while he is somewhere enjoying his life? I came here to attend his wedding ceremony, not getting married! No dad! I won't do that!"

"Kookie, listen to mom. Yes that shouldn't be happened but please this time, do us a favor. Marry Jin and I believe you will love him." Mrs Jeon tried to convince Jungkook to marry me.

I was so hurt that I don't even care about this Jungkook guy. All I care is Yoongi to come back to me. But I still knew it must be hurt to marry someone you didn't love so I tried to tell them that I would be okay if Jungkook refused to marry me.

"I am sorry I must have been a bad person thats why Yoongi left me. I must be not a good person to get married to, so Jungkook surely doesn't want me as his husband. I am okay, let's just call the wedding off. If people talk bad about me, I would be okay with it" With that I walked into the waiting room.

"Ok I will marry him" Suddenly I heard a voice and stopped walking immediately. I turned my head to him and looked at everyone's face.

"Yes. I will marry you Jin" He looked at me.



Ahh I came with another story I am sorry for my english so I hope you guys can understand my terrible english dear everyone. Love you!!


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