4 - Surprised

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Hi guys, sorry for not updating. So here is some clarification about the characters' age.

Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi: 25
Jungkook: 23
Namjoon: 24


Jin's POV

I woke up early and immediately prepared breakfast. I wasn't sure if Jungkook was already woke up and excercising. I only made some egg toasts and prepared coffee since the maid in Jeon's mansion told me that Jungkook didn't eat that much for breakfast. It made my life easier that I wouldn't have to prepare a heavy breakfast for him.

I couldn't wait for Jungkook to eat with me even I knew I should eat with him, because I had to go to my house to take my car. My house was quite far from here and I was afraid I might get stucked in the jammed roads later. After taking my breakfast, I left a note on the table for Jungkook to tell him that I already gone to work.


I arrived at Two Seoks Bookstore a bit late. The workers were arranging the new arrival books. I immediately walked to my shared office with Hoseok and I saw him talking on the phone. When he saw me, he immediately ended the call.

"I will call you later". When he ended the call he smiled at me.

"Morning Jinnie!"

"Morning Seokkie!!"

I put my bag on the desk, sitting on my chair and looked at him.

"What is the news that you talked about?" I asked him.

"Oh. Did you see those books they are putting on the shelves there before you came into our office?" He asked me back.

"Yeah! The new arrival books, I guess. Why? Who is the author?" I gave him a weird look.

"Yes it's a new book released by Riaskawns. You know, the faceless thriller book author, which had been releasing one of the bestseller books a year ago. The book "Facing The Death" has been sold through Korea and outside Korea and some bookstores have been requesting for the company to release more copy. And now, the author came with title "Internal Devils". I am very sure this book will hit big and I already have the books here in our store." He explained it with smile on his face, directly telling me how proud he was after getting this famous author's books.

Yes, Riaskawns is one of the famous authors in Korea. He was a korean, but stayed in America. He made his debut at a young age, which was 19 years old. What was weird about this author, everyone knew the author was a guy, but he chose to hide his face from public.

From what we knew, even his agency never saw his face. No one knew anything about him. But he was a great author. Everyone loved his books including Hoseok. I read some of his books, but I was not one of the thriller genre's fans. But his books were interesting.

"So this is the news?". I asked him because it seemed like the news wasn't big enough for him to be so excited like this.

"No. The real news is Riaskawns will be having his 1st fansign here in Korea and you know what? I got him to make his first appearance here at our bookstore. We will be having a big fansign here next week. You know what it means? We will have the books sold out and got to meet the author himself" Hoseok happily explain with his hands were on his face, fanboying over the author with his wide smile.

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