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"Jungkook, what is this?", I asked with tears brimming in my eyes.

"This is for you, our 5 years anniversary gift", He said hugging my body from back.

We looked at the big building in front of me. It was built for restaurant. Jungkook basically got the whole building for me.

"Why? You don't like it?" He asked when I turned my body and hugged him.

"This is too much, honey. I don't want your money. All I want are your loves, affections and attentions for me and our kids. This is too much", I said in my sobs. Jungkook really wanted to spoil me with his money which I never fond of.

"This is not that much, baby. This is my appreciation for giving me the best life and willing to be my husband. And, it's your dream to run a restaurant, right? Let Hoseok manage the bookstore and you can manage the restaurant. You keep nagging your are bored at home so maybe this restaurant will relieve your stress", He explained.

I pulled back and looked at him wrapping my hands around his neck. I slowly pulled his head and kissed him.

"Thank you, darling. I love you so much", I whispered after both of us pulled away.

"I love you too", He said back. "But on one condition", He added.

Condition? What condition?


"You only manage this restaurant. I don't allow you to work, okay? We already have the employees on the list and they will be started working next week. So, you as my husband, you have to be at home when I leave for work and also be at home when I get home. You can only go to work after 9am and be at home before 5pm. The restaurant will close at 7pm. You just have to make a daily checks on the restaurant and don't come near the heat in the kitchen, it might harm you", He said looking into my eyes.

Seriously? The old Jungkook had made his comeback.

"There's no way I can do that. Of course I want to cook!" I said trying to object him but only seeing him furrowing his brows.

"Well, if that's the case, I will have to forbid you to go out from the house again", He said smirking only earned a groan from me.

I looked at him gritting my teeth and came closer to his ear.

"What a DICK-tator", I whispered.

"Well, don't come to this DICK-tator when you miss my friend, okay?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I won't!", I said pushing his body and made my way into the restaurant. He ran up to me, trying to catch up my pace.

"Really? Then who begged last night to be-"

"Shut up!"

"What about tonight?" He asked.

"No! I don't want to!"

He pulled my body which made me giggling and carried me to kitchen counter, making me sit on it and settled himself in between my legs, acting like he was belonged there.

Well, maybe he did.

"So how's the deal?" He asked.

I sighed.

"Okay, Jungkook. I will do everything the way you wish it", I replied, pulling him closer.

"Great. I just want to see you when I'm home, to feel your existences, to touch you, to kiss-"

"Okay I understand. No need to be dramatic here, I suddenly got a great goosebumps here", I said to him.

He laughed and then lifted my body. I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist to support my body.

"Happy anniversary love. I love you", He said.

"Happy anniversary. I love you too my Jungkookie", I replied him kissing his nose.

He then put me on my feet and pulled me into a deep kiss. A deep kiss like there was no tomorrow between us. We then pulled back and stared into each others' eyes.

I couldn't hold myself from crying. It had been 5 years and during the years with him, I had been facing a lot of difficulties and tests that almost broke us apart.

But the strong love between us helped us, we endured everything, with Yoon and Yoonmi, I hoped we could live forever and together, until the death made us apart.

I hated Jungkook for what he had done to me, but I also loved him because I knew we were made for each other and for now, I couldn't bring myself to hate him. He was my everything that I knew I couldn't live without him.

Thank you Jungkook for willing to marry me. I loved you, forever.

The End.


So that's it.

Bad news, this book has ended. I cried, a feeling of sadness came in me when I ended this book😢😢

Thank you for everyone who read this book. I know there are many grammar errors but I hope you just let it slide😁

Thanks for always being with me during my journey to finish my book. This is my 1st  completed book. And I hope everyone enjoy this book.

Sorry for the short end, I just want to end it so bad hahahaha.

Anyway, sorry for any inconvenience. Sorry if I don't reply your comments but believe me, I read them all and I really appreciate you all.

Thanks for wasting your time reading this, I hope you guys live a happy life.

And lastly, I love you. I love everyone. May all the good things happen to us. 😊


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