29 - Second Chance?

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Jin's POV

We were on our way to Jeon's mansion. Yoon was sitting in his baby car seat at the back and I sat at the passenger's seat.

We were in silent. Only Yoon's voice could be heard humming to a random song that he created.

"Thank you for coming with me. I'm so happy when the three of us are together like this", Jungkook's voice broke the silence between us.

"It's Mrs Jeon's wish. I couldn't say no. Plus, it's time for Yoon to meet his grandparents", I said.

Jungkook's smiled.

"It feels different when you called her Mrs Jeon. You used to call her mother".

"For me, she is still a mother".

I looked at Yoon. He was grinning playing the toys he was holding. Then suddenly I could feel a warm hand touching my hand that were on my lap.

I looked at my hand and saw Jungkook's hand grabbing them. I lifted my head to look at Jungkook and he showed no expression in his face. He kept looking straight with his other hand on the steering.

I tried to pull my hands slowly but his voice stopped my hands from moving.

"Please, please just stay like this. Like we were used to. Please", He begged.

I bit my lower lip as I didn't know what to do. I felt bad if I ignored him but I felt uncomfortable to let him doing whatever he wanted.

But I ended up letting him holding my hands. He caressed my hand using his thumb which made me froze. After a long time, it felt different to be touched by him.

But what has surprised me more, Jungkook pulled my hand to his mouth. He kissed my knuckles which brought shivers down to my spine.

"Jungkook", I pulled my hand from his. I couldn't let him to do that any longer.

"Sorry, I just miss you so much", He apologized.

I didn't answer him and we went silent again until we reached Jeon's mansion.

I took Yoon with me and Jungkook rang the bell. A maid opened the door and Mrs Jeon walked towards us with a big smile in her face.

"Welcom! Welcome!" Jungkook came closer amd kissed his mother's cheeks. Mrs Jeon then came to me and kissed Yoon's cheeks which made him giggled.

"How are you, mother?" I kissed her cheeks as well.

"Feeling good, honey. Come, foods are ready. Let's have dinner!".

We walked to the mansion's lawn. They prepared the dinner near the pool and some workers grilling the meat.

Mr Jeon wasn't at home yet and Mrs Jeon told us that he was on his way from work.

I took a seat next to Jungkook and Yoon was sitting in his baby chair between us. Soon after that, Mr Jeon arrived and we started eating.

"How are you Jin?" Mr Jeon asked me when we were about to finish having dinner.

"I'm doing well, father. Thank you". I answered.

"You should be sleeping here tonight. I want to have my time with my grandchild as well", Mr Jeon's suggestion made me to look up to him. I was shocked.

"I'm not sure. I don't bring Yoon's extra clothes and his other stuffs". I tried to decline him.

"Don't worry, I have them prepared here. We have Yoon's room decorated and his clothes are prepared there. No need to rush to go home, you can stay here anytime you want", Mrs Jeon then tried to make us stay the night here.

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