38 - Love Me More

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jin's POV

"Are you okay? How do you feel?", Jungkook asked me for nth times. He looked worried.

"I'm okay, don't worry. You have been asking the same question for almost 15 minutes", I answered, chuckling.

"Because I want to make sure you are okay and have an enough rest". I smiled and pulled his hand towards my lips.

I kissed it and Jungkook was just smiling. Until the door slided open revealing the doctor that was in charge of my treatment.

"Hi Mr. Jeon Seokjin. Good morning. How do you feel today?" He greeted. I looked at his name tag. 'Doctor Kim Suho'.

"Good morning, Dr. Kim. Yeah I feel better, I think", I greeted him back.

He was with a nurse and my medical chart in his hand. They came to have some checks on me so Jungkook and I were just letting them do anything for me.

"I need to have some checks today and if everything is okay, you can be discharged this evening at 4". I nodded my head. He started checking me and wrote in the chart

"So your condition is good. I will have the staff to prepare for your discharge's form. And when you are at home, make sure to follow my instructions and take an enough rest. This is because after a spontaneous abortion, the body needs to rest and give yourself a chance to heal both physically and emotionally. If you feel something uneasy or pain, make sure to call me or any staff in this hospital. Okay, that's all for today. I wish you to get better. Thank you", He smiled and walked out the room leaving me and Jungkook.

My eyes widened. What did he mean spontaneous abortion? I diverted my gaze to Jungkook. He looked down and bit his lower lip.

"Jungkook, what was that? What did he say?" I asked him. Spontaneous abortion? I was pregnant?

"Jungkook!" I grabbed his shirt and forced him to look at me. "Answer me? I was pregnant? Huh?"

"Yes. You had miscarriage after fainted that day, when we were at the warehouse. But the baby couldn't be saved, you were severely bleeding", He said looking at me. Pulling my body, he hugged me tighter only listening to my sobs.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I don't know how! You have the right to know but I was afraid you will get hurt after knowing the shocking news. I'm sorry okay?" he rubbed my back. I kept crying.

"But, I don't know who is the father", I said weakly. This had been bothering me. I was afraid I would get pregnant because I didn't know who was the real father! Yes I had been sleeping with Jungkook several times before getting kidnapped by Taemin, but the baby might be Taemin's too.

I could feel Jungkook's body stiffed. He might have been thinking the same exact thing. No one would know until the baby was born.

"Don't think too much about it. It's okay, even if the baby could be saved, I'm sure the baby was mine. I don't care what would people say, the baby is mine. So, stop crying okay? You have to sleep and we can go home today. Just take a rest, I will be here with you", he assured me. I nodded my head and laid my body.

"Come sleep with me. I feel a bit cold" I said pulling his hand. He stood up and laid his body next to me. He then pulled me into his embrace and I quickly putting my head on his chest.

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