33 - I'm Coming To Get You

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Jungkook's POV

"Young Master Jungkook, please help us!"

I heard Leena's voice crying through the phone. I was in the meeting with my clients and my phone couldn't stop ringing.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Master Seokjin was abducted! I was at the room with Yoon and I heard his scream from the living room. I ran to look what had happened and I saw a guy was carrying Master Seokjin on his shoulder walking out the house. I didn't know what to do so I immediately called you", She said.

I could heard Yoon's voice crying along with Leena's. I told them to stay at home before hanging up the phone.

"They took my husband. Sht! We are late! Call the police and bring your men to my parent's house, now!" I told Mr. Lee through the phone. That time, I ended the meeting immediately as Jin's safety was my priority.

I rushed to Jin's house to take Yoon and Leena to my parents' mansion. They needed to be kept safely and I didn't want anything bad to happen to my son.


My parents, Jin's parents and I were sitting in the living room along with the police and some of Mr. Lee's men guarding inside and outside the mansion.

I tried to call Jin's phone but it was switched off. I was so worried, my hands trembled and I couldn't sit properly.

My mother held my hands trying to calm me down but it was useless, they were still shaking.

"So, do you have any suspect?" Inspector Park Bogum asked me. I looked up to him.

"Lee Taemin".

"Lee Taemin? Who is he?"

"Park Jimin, Taemin's lover told me he wanted to separate us. He even used Jimin to separate us, but I don't know what his motive is. I never knew him, I don't know his relationship with Jin. I thought using Jimin was enough but kidnapping him? That was beyond my imagination. I don't know what he wants. I just want Jin to be home safely. Please help me, save Jin. I will do anything just for him. Please", I begged.

Inspector Bogum nodded his head and talked to his assistant.

"We need Park Jimin with us and I have some questions for him". I nodded my head and quickly grabbed my phone to call Jimin.

"Hello Jimin".

"Hello Jungkook. How are you?" I was greeted by an unknown voice.

"Who is this? Where is Jimin?" My eyes widened. Inspector Bogum signalled me to connect the phone to the tracking device to track Jimin's phone location.

"Why? What do you want to say to him? Do you think he will help you to find your husband?" That mysterious man was laughing hard.


My mother hugged my body. She tried to calm me down. I was so mad, worried thinking about anything bad might happen to Jin. I didn't want to lose him.

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