43 - Explanation

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Author's POV

"Jin, are you okay?" Jungkook asked him when both of them were already in their shared room.

"Yes, why?" He replied weakly.

"You look different, like something has bothered you and you didn't eat much during dinner", Jungkook said.

"Nothing, Jungkook. I'm just tired and that's all", He answered without looking at his husband.

"Okay, rest a lot tonight. I will be at my work room and don't wait for me. I have to finish all the works before the meeting", He said and walked out the room.

Jin sat down at the edge of the bed and looked down on the floor. He tried to think and remember if he had done anything wrong.

'Maybe Jungkook didn't want me anymore', He thought and sighed.

Jin suddenly stood up and left the room to his kids' room. He decided to sleep there as Jungkook might be sleeping in his work room.

He didn't want to add the sadness in his heart more than it already was by hoping Jungkook would be coming.

Jin laid his body next to Yoon's and hugged his body. Yoonmi was sleeping in his baby crib. Jin forced himself to sleep and tried to forget the pain, the non stop pain that kept throbbing his weak heart.


Jin was sitting waiting for Jungkook coming home. Jungkook was leaving for Busan 2 days ago and he said to visit the site of their new hotel near Haeundae Beach.

His flight was at 4pm and it was already 7pm. It wouldn't take too much time to get back to Seoul by plane. He could be at home at 6 but there was no sign of him coming home.

Jin waited for him, he wanted to speak to him about what had bothered him. But then his deep thought was snapped by the sound of his phone. Jin took his phone and looked at the caller.

"Yes Hoseok", He said to the caller.

"Hi Jin, what are you doing? Where are the kids?" He asked.

"The kids are with their maid and I'm here waiting for Jungkook coming home. Why?"  Jin asked wondering what was the reason of Hoseok calling him.

"Hmmm, I'm.... No, it's...it's about Jungkook.... "

"Jungkook? Why Jungkook? What about him?" Jin asked with his eyes widened. His heart beating faster waiting for Hoseok answering him.

"Well, it might be a mistake but I tried to look at him carefully. And yes, I'm sure it's Jungkook. I am with Taehyung having dinner at Seoul Regency Hotel and we saw Jungkook walking with a woman, holding hands to the elevator. So I tailed them to where they were heading to. And I'm sorry telling you this, I don't want to make you feel suspicious. But yes I am 100% sure they came in to the hotel room. They were at the highest floor which is actually a penthouse. I'm sorry Jin, I was hoping it wasn't Jungkook but I'm sure my eyes don't lie".

Jin fell down on the couch. His legs trembled and couldn't support him. He hit his chest when he started to feel suffocated.

"Hoseok... ", He tried to speak but his voice barely came out.

"Jin, are you okay?" Hoseok's voice echoed through the phone.

"H-Hoseok, I-I want to meet him tell me the location of the hotel. L-Let me have my final t-talk with him. I-I can't take this Hoseok. He h-had been ignoring me, a-acting like I'm not his husband. I'm hurt Hoseok. I d-don't know where is the wrong between us b-but I think he doesn't l-love me anymore",  Jin said in his sobs. He couldn't utter the words properly as he was already in breaking down state.

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