27 - Come Back To Me

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Jin's POV

I pulled Hoseok with me. Trying to not wake Yoon up, I pushed the stroller a bit harder leaving the department store.

"Jin, slow down, can't you? You are gonna wake him up!" Hoseok was trying to stop me but I didn't until we reached the park outside the building.

I left a heavy breath out of my mouth. Luckily Yoon was still sleeping. It felt like I was in a marathon as my panted breath filled the air.

We sat on the bench near the small pool. I looked at Hoseok.

"You didn't bring me here on purpose, right?" I was suspicious. Everything seemed suspicious. Hoseok raised his brows.

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't tell that him we are here, right?"

"What makes you think that? I didn't do that. So are you suspecting me?"

"I am just suspicious. How comes he was suddenly standing there looking at me? Like this mall has 10 floors, with thousands stores and out of those, he chose to stand in front of the store we were at? So convincing, Hoseok!"

Hoseok laughed and I was frowning looking at him.

"Jin, this is his mall. He can be anywhere he wants. You have been destined to meet him today, here in his own mall", He continued laughing.

I let a breath heavy out. He might be true but it didn't mean I would stop suspecting him.


Oh no, why did I hear his voice. I turned my head looking at him standing not too far from us.

I turned my head back. I didn't want to see him again but why did he keep on appearing in front of me?

"What now?" I rolled my eyes.

"Jin, sorry if I had made you uncomfortable. And Hoseok hyung, thank you. I owe you a lot."

I looked at Hoseok. I was right! Hoseok did that. Unbelievable!

"Chingu, sorry I can explain but not now. Jungkook, make sure to take him home safely. I will take Yoon with me", Hoseok left with Yoon to his car.

I looked at Jungkook. He was smiling,  thinking his plan to meet me had succeed. I gritted my teeth, there are uncountable amount of frustration I had right now.

I couldn't believe my own close friend, betrayed me!


"Are you ready to order, sir?" The waiter took our order and I wasn't in a mood of eating. I just couldn't stop thinking about everything.

And on top of that, I couldn't believe myself for agreeing to Jungkook. He was just asking me to have lunch with him and I was so stupid agrees to that.

"Jin, your order?" Jungkook that was holding a menu book asked me.

"Just give me your best food here. Thank you...", I looked to the waiter's name tag "Ken". I gave him a wide smile.

Jungkook cleared his throat.

"I want the same food. Thanks" Jungkook handed the menu book back to him. He looked a bit annoyed.

"Will be served in a short time", The waiter excused himself.

I looked out through the glass wall. Luckily I chose to sit here, I wouldn't have to look at Jungkook only.

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