28 - What Should I Do?

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Jin's POV

"Please come back to me"

I looked at him like he had ten heads with ten mouths that was freaking asking me to come back to him?

"Have you gone insane? You should know better that I won't come back to you. I don't need your pity hiring housekeeper for me. No, my answer is no!"

I kept on fighting my tears back. Having him around was enough to make me crazy but to come back to him again? That was the last thing that I thought I should do.

"I don't want to live with someone like you, that letting the jealousy and idiocy break us two apart." I continued.

"That was because I really loved you" He said.

"Yeah, you have a great way of showing me your love". I smirked.

"And, when did you know that I was innocent?" A sudden thought came in my mind.

"Several months ago. I made an-"

"Well you knew I was proven innocent and yet you didn't come to meet me. You want me back, but you don't show how you really want me. You should've came to me that time and I might reconsider your request but right now, listen to me, Mr Jeon Jungkook. I don't want to come back to you!"

Jungkook moved his knees closer to me, trying to hug me but I pushed him which made him to fall on his back.

I was so shocked. I couldn't believe myself for pushing him harder. I didn't mean to do that but maybe I was so mad and that was the reason I pushed him harder than I meant to?

But I ignored the feelings and stood up. I wanted him to go back now. I wanted to rest as so many things had happened today. So many surprises had been shown and I felt so tired.

"Please get out!", I said.

He stood up, still looking at me. His soft eyes were pleading to be forgiven but as I told him before, coming back to him wasn't a part of my plan when I came back to Korea.

"Please get out, now! Don't do any stupid things or I forbid you to see Yoon!" I warned.

His face's expresion changed. It looked dark.

"He is my son and you can't do that to me!" He said.

"Oh yeah? It depends on your acts. You do stupid things and you never see him again" I said. He really needed lessons. Did I look so easy to you, Jungkook?

"Okay, I will go and I will come back again", He said in defeated.

I didn't say anything but looked at him making his way to the door. When he reached the door, he turned his head back and looked at me.

"Jin, please remember that I still love you". After saying that, he exited the house.

I immediately walked to the door and locked it. Standing with my back against the door, I let another tears as the pain that I had been holding in my chest became uncontrollable.

It pained me seeing Jungkook again. It pained me thinking about how I treated Jungkook just now. He said he still loved me but I didn't know either to believe him or not. But should I really believe him?

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