19 - Would You Be With Me In Another Life?

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Jin's POV

"Get out, Seokjin".

Yoongi immediately walked to his bed and stood there frozen. I slowly walked to him.

"Yoongi ah! What happened to you?" I asked him softly.

"Get out, Jin. Please!" He laid down and pulled up his blanket to cover his whole body.

"No! I won't get out until you tell me what happened to you, Yoongi!" I insisted.

I couldn't describe my feelings. I knew I was mad at him and already forgot him, but seeing him like this, staying in a hospital, I should be knowing what had happened.

"No! Please get out!" He talked under his blanket. Tears started forming in my eyes. Why did he act like this?

"Does your family know?" I asked. I still cared for him. He then pulled down the blanket and looked at me.

"IT. IS. NOT. YOUR. CONCERN!" He spit his words which made my heart hurt. I wanted to care at least as a friend but he didn't allow me.

The tears started streaming down my cheeks. Yoongi looked shocked but I already walked backwards and slowly turned my body.

I stormed out the room but the luck wasn't on my side as accidently bumped into someone which made me fall on the floor.


I looked up and saw Taehyung with another doctor. They were so shocked, so did I.

"Jin! What are you doing here?", Taehyung asked.

I wiped off my tears and stood up. Ignoring Taehyung's question, I ran out the building and cried on the bench.

My phone suddenly vibrated and I saw Jungkook's name on the screen. I forgot about him and I wanted to slap myself. I picked up the phone.

"Kook, please help me".

"Why? Where are you?"

"I'm at hospital that not far from the shop. Please Jungkook, I don't think I can walk there", I continued crying.

"Okay but don't hang up the phone. Wait there!"

I held my phone and heard a sound of engine car. I sat there, looking down. I tried to stop crying and waited for Jungkook to come, holding the flowers that I wanted to give to Mrs.Jeon.

Soon after that, I heard Jungkook's voice calling my name.


I looked to the front and saw Jungkook walked towards me. I immediately ran towards him and hugged him, crying on his shoulder.

"What's wrong Jin! Did you hurt? How did you end up here?", Jungkook sounded to worried.

"I-", I can't utter a word as my tears couldn't stop rolling down.

"It's okay, let's go to the car.", Jungkook gently pulled me with him to his car. I followed him.

When we were in the car, Jungkook drove the car to our apartment. We needed to clean ourselves before going to Jeon's mansion.

We were in silent on our way. I already stopped crying and Jungkook pulled my hand into his. He didn't ask me about why I was at hospital anymore, as he looked like he gave me time to tell him.

He then pulled my hand up and kissed it. I wanted to cry because of how he showed his affections.

I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I wanted to rest my mind before telling him the truth. I needed to tell him.

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