6 - New Friend

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Jin's POV

It was two days left until the fansign event. I was getting busier than I already was. I always got home late within this week but still managed to do the house chores. Jungkook was also always got home late but I would be always waiting for him. And he was still ignoring me, his own husband.

Yoongi didn't call me since that night and I kept telling myself not to call him again. And the most important, I wanted to erase our memories and build the new ones with Jungkook. But it seemed like that wouldn't work if Jungkook kept acting like that.

Every night when he reached home, I always asked him about dinner and his answer was all the same. I have had dinner. I was always the one who eating alone. I waited for him to have dinner together but this was what he gave me in return.

I tried to speak to him but what could I do if he ignored me like I was never existed in the house? Did he hate me that much?

I was at my work setting the event's venue. It was our first event and we wanted it to be perfect like we planned it. Hoseok was at Riaskawns's agency, meeting the representative. Based on him, Riaskawns was already in Korea, but he would only present during the event.


I heard the bell chimed and turned my head to the door. There was a customer.

"Welcome to Two Seoks Bookstore! What can I help you with?" I put a wide smile to the customer, greeting him to our store.

He then turned his head to me, made my eyes widened and I lift my brows when I saw his face. He looked familiar.

"Hi!" He smiled, showing his dimples and walked towards me.

"Jin right?" He offered his hand and I immediately shook it.

"Yes! And you are....." I was trying to recall his name then he cut me off.

"Namjoon! At the supermarket. Remember it?"

"Oh my God! Namjoon! Yes I remember it. Are you okay now? Did you see the doctor?" I asked him to confirm his condition. I might have been hitting him so hard that made him to meet me claiming his treatment's fee.

"No need to see the doctor. I wasn't hurt that bad. Just a small accident that I almost didn't feel hurt at all. Don't worry." He chuckled seeing my worried face.

I still felt so bad for him. If I hadn't turned my head to look at Jungkook, I won't made the accident to happen.

"Please have a seat", I invited him to our mini cafe. People won't come to buy books only but they can read them and stayed in the cafe while reading them. That was how we attracted young people to come to our bookstore. We walked into the area and I called one of the waiters.

"Yes sir?" Jackson, our favourite waiter knew how to entertain people.

"Namjoon-ssi what do you want to drink?" I asked Namjoon.

"Iced Americano please" He smiled, showing his dimples again.

"Hot chocolate please".

"Okay your iced Americano and hot chocolate will be served later. Welcome to Two Seoks Bookstore, Mr Dimples!" Jackson was already making his way to the counter. Namjoon's eyes widened as he heard that nickname Jackson was calling him.

"I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable. He was so loud because he is someone that has a cheerful personality. That's why everyone here likes him" . I tried to explain to him.

"It's okay. I like someone cheerful. Don't worry" He assured me. I smiled at him.

"So, I heard you guys would be holding a fansign event?" Namjoon asked me out of blue.

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