3 - New House

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We arrived at Jungkook's apartment. Since I only have a bag with me, we directly walked up to his apartment in 3rd floor. We walked in silence until we met the front door and he pressed the password button to open the door.

He then came in and I followed him. Wow, the house was so big for a man to stay alone there. I looked around and saw a big aquarium, filled with Guppy fish. When I was about to walk closer to the aquarium, his voice stopped me from walking.

"Your room is the opposite of mine. We will be sleeping in our own room. You must be not hoping for us to sleep in the same room, right?" He looked at me with both of his hands were inside his pockets.

"Yeah, it's better for us to have our own room. Anyway, thank you. At least I won't be sleeping on the couch again". My mental was cursing after saying that to him. What if he really told me to sleep on the couch???

He then furrowed his brows, maybe interpreting my words or wanted to backfire on me.

"What? I know I don't like you but I'm not that cruel". He then turned his body and walked into his room. I immediately walked into my own room. I put my bag down then looked around the room. It was clean. Did Jungkook clean it? Or a housekeeper? Who cared anyway.

I threw my body onto the bed with my back against the matress. I looked at the white ceiling. I kept recalling the yesterday's event and I didn't realised I was already in my slumber.


Jungkook POV

When I entered my room, I threw myself on my bed. I felt like my life was in miserable where I had to marry Kim Seokjin, whom I didn't know until yesterday.

I couldn't turn back the time. I was already married to him. I then took my phone from my pocket and scroll over the album. I missed my ex-boyfriend, Park Jimin, to be honest. I came back to Korea because of Yoongi hyung's wedding and wanted to find Jimin. He came back to Korea because of his model career and decided to end our relationship to focus on his career.

I knew I was so stupid for agreeing this marriage but I was so upset because he left me back in America. And I knew I wouldn't agree to marry Jin if we were still together.

Jin is a pretty man. I couldn't deny it but for me, Jimin is prettier, sexy, hot and mostly he always made me happy. I really loved him. But Jin, what was he capable of? If he was good why did Yoongi hyung leave him? Would I be able to love him and forget Jimin?

Thinking about Yoongi hyung, my head suddenly ached. I didn't have an enough sleep last night. I couldn't sleep at all. Yoongi hyung was the reason all the things happened. I immediately called him, just in case I would get connected to him but unfortunately, he couldn't be reached. I left a heavy sigh. This was so stressful. Not to think to much, I closed my eyes to take a nap and rest my heavy head.



I woke up when I heard my phone ringing. It was Hoseok, my bestfriend, also my bookstore's business partner. Both of us loved reading book and decided to run a bookstore after graduating from college.

"Hey Seokkie!" I answered my phone with a hoarse voice.

"Hey Jinnie! Did you sleep? Did I disturb you?" I heard my bestfriend's voice there, screaming and sounded happy.

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