10 - Broken again

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I hate myself for making Jin suffer😢

But look at these two😍

But look at these two😍

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Jin's POV

I was doing some works in my office then I heard my phone ringing.

"Hello", I greeted the caller.

"Hello hyung! Busy?"

"Kind of. Why Joon?" I heard his voice chuckled there.

"Nothing, I just miss you"

"What?" I thought I heard him wrong.

"haahhahahaha no I was kidding. I want to ask you if we can have lunch today? I'll pick you up". I heard him laughing there.

I looked at the clock. It was 2 hours before lunch break.

"Sounds good. Ok, will see you later", I smiled, agreeing to him.

We hung up the phones.

I smiled.

I became friend to Namjoon, a closed friend after the fansign.

He was a good person. He always came to our store. He sometimes did his works here, writing something like an author always did.

He wasn't talkative one like Hoseok, but he could be a good listener.

I looked at my fingers. Empty.

I removed my wedding ring in the morning after I called Jungkook that night.

The night I knew he had someone he loved. I knew he didn't come home for almost a week since that incident. He really avoided meeting me.

I felt so stupid for hoping something that wouldn't come to me. Hoping for Jungkook to love me.

I smiled in pain. I felt so pathetic. A pathetic one that always thought he was deserved to be loved.

I was hoping to marry Yoongi. But he left me without explanation. I was hoping for Jungkook to love me. But he didn't. So what was the use of hoping anymore?

I rested my head on the chair's headrest. I closed my eyes. My tears dripping down my cheeks.

"Jin ah" I heard Hoseok's voice. I opened my eyes and quickly shedding my tears off of my cheeks.

"Sorry, I was sleeping", I tried to lie to my bestfriend.

"No, I saw you crying", He looked at me with concern.

He then walked towards me. I looked down, playing with my fingers.

"Jin", He was standing in front of me. He then held my face, lifting it making me to look at him.

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