7 - I love you?

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Jin's POV

People started to gather in the store. They sat on the prepared chairs waiting for the author to make his appearance.

Hoseok was talking to the audiences. He then signaling me to tell Riaskwans's manager to get ready because it was the time for him to walk into the hall.

I walked to the waiting room. When I was already in front of it and ready to knock, the door opened revealing the manager with a guy with mask on.

"Oh hi, I was about to call you to go to the hall with me" I was kinda shocked with the sudden meeting.

"By the way I am Jin, Hoseok's business partner." I offered my hand and the manager shook it.

"I'm Hyun, the manager and this is Riaskawns, in case you haven't met him in real life." Hyun smiled and I shook Riaskwans's hand. I could see he was smiling because the half mask only covered his eyes.

"It's already time so let's go there." I immediately show them the way into the hall.

Something about the author that bothered me. He looked familiar.

When we reached there, the fans screamed to Riaskwans's appearance. This was his 1st fansign so everyone wanted to meet him.

The author took the microphone that was already placed on the table. The fans were already calmed down and the hall was suddenly became quite. Everyone waiting for him to speak because no one had ever listened to his voice except his manager.

"Hello everyone". His deep voice greeted us. The fans started to scream again calling his name.

The staffs tried to calm them again as Riaskwans tried to speak again.

"I never thought that I would have you guys here, with me, that so many of you come here to meet me. I am glad you guys love me, love my books. So let's make today's first meeting as a memorable one in our life. Thank you." The fans clapped their hand murmuring things that I couldn't catch as I was looking at the guy. I kept thinking about him.

I saw him looking at my direction. I was standing at the book shelf, at the left of the hall while Hoseok was standing at the back of the author along with the manager.

I looked at him back. I wasn't sure if he really looked at me but I was sure he directed his face to me. I gulped down my saliva and suddenly Hoseok's voice from my walkie-talkie snapped me from thinking about Riaskwans again.

"Jin, get ready. The fansign is about to start". Hoseok's voice echoed from the walkie-talkie.



The fansign was going smoothly but it took more than 2 hours to finish as the fans were more than we have expected.

Riaskwans was so friendly to his fans. He kept talking to prevent them to get bored. The other employees also worked hard to help us.

It was about the time for Riaskwans to get back to his waiting room. After saying his farewell, he then walked out from the hall with his manager towards the waiting room. The fans were starting to leave the hall.

The employees started to clean the hall after the hall emptied. I walked to the waiting room.

"Jin!" Hoseok called me. I looked at him, raising my brows.

"I will check the foods at the cafe. Will tell you if the foods are ready so we could bring the foods to the room. He can't eat with that mask on". I nodded my head.

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