35 - Twin?

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Jungkook's POV

I held the small box that I had found in the drawer. It was my birthday gift that Jin had left when he was pregnant with Yoon.

The day I kicked him out from the house. The day I had made his life miserable and the day that had changed everything.

I couldn't stop my tears from rolling down. I shed them and soon replaced with another.

I came back to my apartment with hope I could ease my heart looking at Jin's traces in our old house but I found this instead.

It's been over 2 years and I just found it. Just because of my stupidity and jealousy, I ruined everything.

And now, Jin had came back to me with our child, I made him got abducted by leaving him alone.

I'm a useless husband. And stupid.

"Jin, where are you?" I said hugging the pillow.

Then my phone rang and I looked at thr caller ID. It was my mother.

"Yes mom"

"Jungkook ah! Come back home. Yoonie is sick and has been crying non stop. It's better to take him to hospital right now!" I could hear worrisome in her voice.

"Be right there"

I took the gift and rushed out the apartment. Yoon must be missing his other father and I needed to take care of him.


Yoon was sleeping on my chest. After taking him to hospital and had his medications, I tried to put him sleep in my arms by laying on the bed. Luckily he fell asleep when I gently rubbed his back.

I kept kissing his temple and hugged him. My tears burst again. I couldn't imagine if I lost Seokjin again. For real.

I needed him, my son needed him, we needed him. It was already 11pm and I couldn't sleep at all. I put Yoon in his baby crib and walked to the bathroom to clean myself.

When I was finished, I took my phone and there was 5 missed calls from Mr. Lee and a text message.

I swiped the screen and read the text.

"We found him. We have contacted Inspector Bogum and he is in his way here. We are waiting for you. Here is the location".

- Location attached-

I immediately put my white T-shirt and black jeans and called my mother to look after Yoon. I had to go there quickly.


I hugged him. He was unconscious and we were on our way to the nearest hospital.

At hospital, the doctors brought him to the emergency room to have a further checks on him. I called my family and Jin's family along with his friends to tell them about Jin.

"How is he?" My mother in law asked me. She was crying.

"Don't worry mother. The doctors are still checking on him. Hope nothing serious will happen. We will take him to Seoul tomorrow so you can visit him there", I assured her.

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