20 - Gone Forever

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Jin's POV

I stood there, staring to an empty room. The room that was used to having an owner, a lonely owner, was now gone.

I looked to the empty bed, with a folded blanket and two pilows. The empty bed that was used to having him laying there, struggling over his pains that ate him everyday.

I looked to the window, a window that allowed him to look out, looking at the living human walking down the streets, doing their everyday's routines.

The routines that he used to do before. He then trapped inside as his body didn't allow him to do those routines anymore.

Then my eyes traced the Daisies all around the room. He had over 100 Daisies there, with the exact same Daisies.

My eyes started to build a warm liquid which was ready to drip down.

I walked to his bed and touched the sheet. It was still warm. I could see him laying there, looking at me showing his pure smile that I used to adore so much.

I sat down and pulled the pillow to my chest. My nose smelling the scent he left on it. It smelled just like him.

I couldn't hold myself anymore. I cried my eyes out and the sound of my sobs muffled into the pillow. The pillow was now had the stain because of my tears.

This couldn't be happened. He couldn't be gone. We were just talking before but he left me now.


I hugged Jungkook, waiting for the doctor to come out from Yoongi's room. Jungkook then took his phone out from his pocket. He wanted to tell his parents to come in case something bad might happen.

I tightened the hug, as if I wasn't ready to face the reality that was happening. I couldn't stop crying, Jungkook caressed my back and whispered into my ears softly.

"It's okay, he is gonna be okay. Let's pray for him". He said.

I closed my eyes, praying for Yoongi. He deserved this world, everyone loved him. He had everyone that didn't want him to leave. He still had anything to do in this world.

The time passed and now we were already sitting on the chair. Soon after that, Jungkook's parents arrived, came towards and hugging us.

Then the door opened revealing Dr.Minho. We all stood up and came closer to him.

"Doctor, how is Yoongi?" Mrs.Jeon immediately asked Dr.Minho.

The doctor bit his lower lip, still didn't utter a word. I was so afraid looking at his reaction. I was afraid he might be delivering the last information that I wanted to know.

"I'm sorry Mrs.Jeon. We couldn't save him. We tried out best, but his time had came. I'm sorry again." The doctor looked down. Mrs. Jeon hugged her husband and both of them sitting on the chair.

I held Jungkook's hand and looked at him. There were tears in his eyes. His mouth trembled and his hands were shaking. I pulled him and hugged him tighter, letting him to cry.

They were crying. No, we were crying. The sobs sounds filled the alley and the doctor left us there, crying over Yoongi, on his death's day.


The deceased was brought to the funeral hall by Jungkook's parents. My parents were on their way to pay their last respects for Yoongi.

I didn't have the courage to go there yet. I wasn't strong enough to face the reality that he was really gone. It pained me as I still had so much to say to him but I couldn't.

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