32 - I Feel Uneasy

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Jin's POV

"Hello?" I started to panic when I heard unfamiliar voice talking through Jungkook's phone.

"Who is this? Where is my husband?" My eyes started to build the warm another warm liquid as I was so worried if something bad happened to Jungkook.

"Please stay calm. The owner of this phone is already in the ambulance, brought to the hospital. Don't worry, we will take him there as soon as possible. Please come to Hanguk's Hospital, we are bringing him there", He said.

I immediately turned off the phone and called Leena.

"Leena! I'm going to the hospital. Please take care of Yoon". She only nodded her head without asking further questions. I called Mrs Jeon to inform her about Jungkook.

Without wasting much time, I drove my car to the said hospital. On my way, I kept on praying for Jungkook safety. I wasn't ready to let him go.

"Please Jungkook", I muttered.


I ran from my car to the emergency room. My tears kept dripping, ignoring people around me that were looking at me with sympathy all over their faces.

"Jeon Jungkook!" I told the staffs at the counter.

"I'm his husband and tell me where is Jeon Jungkook!" I said in a desperate tone. The staffs looked shocked and one of them was trying to calm me.

"Please stay calm, our doctors are treating him right now", She said.

"Please tell me he is okay. Please", I cried putting my head on the counter. People were whispering and I didn't care about that.

"We are trying our best. Please sit down", She pulled me to the nearest chair. I sat down clencing my fists as I was so nervous waiting for the doctors.

"Dear God, please save Jungkook. I beg you please save him", I prayed. Then the emergency room opened revealing a male doctor.

"The family of Jeon Jungkook!" He said. I immediately stoop up just to see the nurses were pushing hospital stretcher with a patient unconscious on it.

I slowly walked towards him trying to observe closely his covered face. His hand was cold and I immediately hugged his body.

"No! Please don't leave me! I'm sorry! Jungkook please don't leave me, don't leave Yoon!" I cried on his chest begging for him to come back to life.

"Sir, this is not Jungkook", The other doctor came and talked to me.

"What?", I raised my head looking at him.

"If you are talking about that Jungkook, then you mistook this person as your husband, I think", He pointed his finger to my back and I slowly turned my head.

He was standing there looking at me, smiling. I turned my head again looking at the person in front of me.

"Then who is this?" I asked when I already stopped crying. I straightened my body looking at the person that was laying in front of me.

"This is a foreigner that was fell down from the building at the construction site. We are waiting for his guardians. So please excuse us", Said the doctor, pushing the stretcher. The other doctor that was calling Jungkook's family earlier was smiling at me.

I looked down as the embarrassment started flooding all over my face. Jungkook walked closer to me, hugging my waist while thanking the doctor.

"Thank you doctor", He said.

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