2- Hate

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I stood up to wash up and trying to not make a noise that would disturb Jungkook. I slowly went to my bag and looked for my towel, then walked into bathroom. When I went out from the bathroom wearing robe, I saw him standing in front of the window, looking outside. He was already in his sport attire.

"Going to jog?" I asked him, wondering because he was wearing pyjamas last night.

"Obviously" His short answer and then going out from the room, without looking at me. I gave a sad smile then looked on the floor, then walked to my bag that was put beside the closet and took a simple t-shirt and sweatpants. After finished, I walked out the room into kitchen that was at 1st floor. I saw a maid was preparing breakfast for Jeon's family.

"Ohh you already woke up Master Seokjin" the maid smiled at me. I smile back to her.

"Where is Mrs jeon?" I asked her.

"She is still in their room. Maybe she will come here in a short time. Have a seat, Master Seokjin"

"No I will walk around the house first. Don't worry" I refused then smiled at her. I walked out and saw a small garden with a small pond. I sat on the wooden bench, looking into the pond. I couldn't believe I was married to a stranger.


"Yes, I will marry you, Jin" He looked at me.


The wedding ceremony was going smoothly but I could see some people were whispering. They must have been talking about the groom that wasn't the one that was supposed to be the one. I stood along with Jungkook thanking the guests, ignoring those who were talking about us.

When all the guests left the hall, we met both of our parents. I hugged both of my parents but I didn't cry. I tried to push those feelings that have been bothering me.

"It's okay sweetheart. We will be always by your side. Don't cry, you are a big grown man now. I know you are strong. On top of that, you are already married. Please take care of yourself and your husband. If you need anything or want to talk, we are all ears." My mom caressed my face and looked into my eyes. I saw her eyes watering and she quickly gave me her sweet smile.

"Thanks mom." I hugged her again.

"So everything's settled so let's have a family dinner at our home. It would be both of the families' uniting together and blessing for both of our sons to have a happy life in their marriage" Mr Jeon reminded us about the planned dinner.

We nodded our heads and walked out the building to the cars. Jungkook and I were in his car. On the way to their mansion, I suddenly uttered an apologize to him that was paying his attention on driving.

"I'm sorry Jungkook. I didn't mean to make you to marry me. You could've rejected the suggestion".

"For my father, that's not a suggestion Jin. It's a demand." He replied. I played with the hem of my jacket hearing his reply.

"I know, but still.."

"Listen! We are already married! Both of us didn't want this marriage but you already knew I did this for the sake of my father's fucking business." His sudden raised voice startled me and I couldn't look at him at the moment.

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