Piece of Me

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I told myself a year ago that I'd never fall for you again.
But what if I never stopped?

I convinced myself that you weren't worth the insomnia and the low self worth.
But what if you weren't the  cause of that?

I made myself believe that you were the villain just so that I could be at peace with myself.
Isn't that what we all do?

In reality, you walked into my life and promised a piece of me a happy ending.
When you broke my heart, you took that lovestruck part of me with you.
She was yours and you were hers.

The other pieces of me? Shattered. Broken. Torn apart.
Left for someone else to pick up and rearrange.

I was waiting for the day when someone else could be the missing piece to my puzzled heart.

I never saw her again, but I see you every day.
And every time I see you, I start remembering that piece of me you'd stolen, so long ago.

I told myself a year ago that I'd never fall for you again, but it looks like I'll never stop.
So long as you keep that piece of me in your heart, I will always find my way back to you.

I'll always love you as long as she's etched into your heart.

The only thing I'll never stop wondering about is why you couldn't love me enough to give me a piece of you.


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