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Sometimes it's nice to keep things to yourself,
It's nice to be your best friend.
You feel safe knowing that no one can ever hurt you,
To this road there'll never be an end.

Sometimes it's nice to talk to yourself,
It's nice to let go and be free
You feel safe knowing that there's no one to leave you,
In your time of misery

Sometimes it's nice to stay by yourself,
It's nice not feeling pain
But the moment you start to love yourself,
People think you're insane.


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If you unhealthily cut everyone out of your life, it's okay. You're just the mysterious kid everyone wants to know better.

If you talk to yourself instead of other people, that's okay too. You're just the quirky kid people want to be friends with.

But the moment you start loving yourself before other people, you are labelled 'arrogant', 'self-obsessed' and 'overconfident'.
Why is that?

Why is it that we label loving ourselves as a sin?

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