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You paint your face with makeup because it makes you feel strong-
How can anyone judge you and make you feel like you've done wrong?

You throw on a nice façade because it conceals your inner heartbreak-
How can anyone try to label you as someone who is fake?

You elude confidence and always speak your mind-
How can anyone tell you that you're anything less than kind?

You stick to your decisions, your mentality is firm-
How can anyone tell you that all you are is stubborn?

We're all nothing but hypocrites, making life harder for ourselves-
When will we look past our differences and what's on the outer shell?

We expect to see beauty around us, but makeup is a bane-
We encourage kindness, but don't believe we're all the same

We tell people to be confident, but bad mouth the ones who are-
We ourselves are the ones suffering, caged behind bars

We tell people to be different, to accept that there is change-
Yet we're also the ones that stare at them and think that they are strange

We say we believe in equality and we criticize all the wrong-
Yet we're also the ones brining down those who were once strong

We're the ones holding the key, as well as the ones who are caged-
It's not only our actions, but our mindsets that must be changed.


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