The Seven Days

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Monday filled me with gloom;
I dreaded to see her face
The assignments that she demanded,
Made my heartbeat race
She sent an epidemic,
Of blues through the town
As soon as she approached us,
Our spirits fell down
She began the week on a note,
That no one wanted to sing
Groans would erupt everywhere,
The second the alarm rings.

Tuesday was a gentleman;
He didn't demand too much
He didn't ask for dramatic endeavours,
Or changes in moods as such
He let you walk by peacefully,
Without tripping on the way
He always seemed to be content,
He was the calmest day
Nothing out of the ordinary,
Nothing out of the blue
Tuesday was a simple man,
Who'd never do anything to you.

Wednesday was a stout little woman,
With crinkles around her eyes
She fed you cookies and drops of delight,
Time around her always flies
She tells you that you're halfway there,
You will make it through
She makes you believe that soon enough,
The weekend will come to you
She's not like Monday, the moody soul,
Who'll always ruin your day
She's a half-filled glass; a realist,
Who knows just what to say.

Thursday was a ticking bomb,
He was all over the place
He never sat still, he shook a lot,
Excitement on his face
He checked his watch a billion times,
Wondering how long he should stay
He couldn't wait another moment,
He just wanted to end his day
Thursday was a restless lad,
Who behaved like a boy of five
He hoped and dreamed and prayed that soon,
Friday would arrive.

Friday was the glamorous woman,
That everyone desired to be
With her charming persona and endearing smile,
She filled the town with glee
She unlocked the cage and let us out,
At last, setting us free
We knew that once Monday arrived,
She would possess the key
Friday partied from dusk till dawn,
Everyone begged her to stay
She promised she'd be back as soon as she could,
And they waited and waited for her day.

Saturday was a soccer mom,
Who made us fresh pancakes
She let us sleep for as long as we wanted,
And then together we'd bake
When the sun was out, she'd let us play,
And enjoy the weather outside
Later we'd finish off all our homework,
And prepare ourselves for the ride
Monday was coming, closer and closer,
Soon she'd drown us deep
Before she could drain out all our colours,
We had to catch up on sleep.

Sunday was an indolent man,
Who never got out of bed
He lazed around and played some games,
His eyes were filled with dread
He didn't want to leave the town,
So the next day could take his place
He liked to nap for hours on end and stuff food in his face
He had to prepare for the upcoming test,
That Monday would soon bring
He had to finish all his duties,
Before the alarm could ring
Sunday bid his final goodbye,
When the clock above struck ten
Closing his eyes, he went to bed,
Waiting for Monday to come again.

• • •
A/N I really like personification.

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