The Hunt For Happiness

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It isn't easy to convince yourself,
At the break of dawn
That all the darkness in your mind,
Must be gone.

The battle of depression,
Is almost the same-
As the hunt for happiness.
You have the same aim.

Sometimes you lose yourself,
Madness is mixed with mirth
In the pursuit of exuberance,
Pride's confused with self worth.

The struggle is indescribable,
Your strength is put to the test
Pain is inevitable,
And you're unintentionally stressed.

The hunt for happiness isn't simple,
It's not an elementary task
To truly feel light at heart,
Is harder than putting on a mask

To fight the battle of depression,
Is already an enormous deal
But what's even more commendable,
Is wearing a smile that's real.


Fighting depression is no easy task on its own. But you know what makes it worth it in the end?
True happiness.
Real laughter.
A genuine smile.

Hiding away how you truly feel and masking your grief isn't going to make it any less real. You've got to face what life throws at you and tell yourself it's not enough to bring you down.

Life's only throwing you obstacles because it knows you're strong enough to jump over them. Don't prove it wrong.

You are beautiful. Whoever you are, wherever you are. Don't give up on life, because it's not giving up on you.

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