You Deserved Better

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You can stay at mine tonight,
We can turn on my fairylights
Watch Disney till it's bright,
Till you're feeling alright.

We can eat some cookies and cream,
And live the single dream
He may not be what he seems,
But you and I will stay a team.

I will listen as you rant,
'Bout how you care and how he can't
I won't stop till you recant,
And all your wishes I will grant.

He's not good for you,
His promises didn't hold true
You didn't have a clue,
But all along, I knew.

I told you he wasn't the one,
I warned you to run
But he'd already taken his guns,
I'm just glad that it's done.

If you want to cry, I'll wipe your tears,
Trust me, you've nothing to fear
You'll make it out soon, dear,
And for you I'll always be here.

He cheated; you're not to blame,
So don't drown yourself in shame
You tackled whatever came,
So you're the winner in this game.

We can sing all night long,
And forget 'bout what went wrong
We'll lose ourselves in the song,
Just remember: you are strong.


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