Heartbroken, Heartbreaker

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Him: We need to talk. It's about us
Her: Is this about how you broke my trust?

Him: I'm sorry I did that. I wasn't thinking
Her: Here comes the excuse-"I was drinking."

Him: I didn't mean to. Are you alright?
Her: Loving me shouldn't be a fight.
You made one promise; to be honest with me,
How could you break that so easily?

Him: I didn't know that you felt this way.
What do you expect me to say?

Her: a sorry, perhaps? That'll do
Him: What did I even do to you?

Her: You told your friends that I'm a mess,
It's like you're caring less and less

Him: It was a joke! Don't act this way.
Let's forget this happened and call it a day.

Her: It's not that easy, can't you see?
You can't just go on breaking me.

Him: Don't be dramatic. It's not a big deal.
Her: Don't keep telling me what to feel.

Him: I'm sorry, okay? Now let it go
Her: How can I? That was just low

Him: What, so you're saying you don't talk to your friends?
Her: I'm saying I don't show them whatever you send.

Him: You really are a mess. What's the matter with you?
Her: Don't make this about me; that's what you always do.

Him: Get some sleep. You're tired, that's all.
Her: Who are you to take that call?

Him: Your boyfriend. I'm pretty sure that's the word
Her: I'm not going to forget what has occurred

Him: Here we are again! You never change.
Don't you think it's a little strange?

Her: That I'm still with you after all you've done?
Yes, you're right, I've had my fun.

Him: Go to bed. You're not thinking straight.
Her: Oh, look at the time! It is getting late.

Him: Good night, babe, you'll be okay.
You'll be less crazy in a few days.

Her: Yes, you're right. Good night to you too;
And oh-one more thing- I'm breaking up with you.

• • •
A/N Just wanted to try something different by writing a rhyming poem in the form of text messages.

Hope you successfully learnt how to break up with a jerk!

Let me know what you think :)❤

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