If My Son Were Gay

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If my son were gay,
And he came and told this to me
I would definitely slap him-
With a high five for his bravery.

If my son were gay,
I'd kick him out of my home
Why waste a sunny day inside,
When endlessly he could roam?

If my son were gay,
I'd scold him after a date
I'd tell him I was disappointed,
Only 'cause he came home late.

If my son were gay,
I'd take away his car
I'd lecture him for hours on end,
Because he ate the last chocolate bar

If my son were gay,
I'd be mad at him forever
Just because he spent time with his boy,
When he promised me we'd spend it toegther

If my son were gay,
I'd see no difference or flaw
And some years down the line,
I'd welcome my son-in-law.


I hate the word homophobia.
You're not scared.
You're just narrow-minded.

No one should ever apologize for who they love, and nor should they be afraid to show their true colours.

All for love and love for all.

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