The Game of Love

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Our love is nothing but a game,
Of you and I passing the blame.
We hand it to fate and roll the dice,
For every wrong move, we pay the price.

We play like it's Monopoly,
You treat me like I'm your property.
You pay it all to win my heart,
But once I'm yours, you tear me apart.

I'm nothing but your Barbie doll,
I'm there for you at your beck and call.
You dress me up in your pretty lies,
I await the day you bid goodbye.

Tag you're it, there goes the blame,
When you catch me, you do the same.
We hide from our issues, we bury them away,
So that we can seek them another day.

On a board of Scrabble, I can spell it out,
All those insults, the venomous shouts
That we throw at each other day and night,
Never agreeing upon who is right.

We fall apart like a house of cards,
Our broken love lies in shards.
We build it back up, and it falls again,
When will we realize we've reached our end?

We've run out of ladders, only snakes,
We've gone stale; we don't know what it takes.
We chase after each other, but never stop,
We're both the robbers and we're both the cops.

We're unmatching Lego pieces, we don't fit together,
If we keep on trying, we'll be lost forever.
We have to stop running and hiding this way,
Our love is a game I don't want to play.


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