If Only

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The night of my wedding,
I found a note
Hidden away,
In the back pocket of a coat

One year prior,
It was written to me
Inked in love,
It was poetry

From my best friend,
Who I'd loved for years
Who had seen me at my highest,
And my worst- in tears

He'd been by my side,
Through thick and thin
I couldn't stop thinking,
About what could've been

He'd poured out his feelings,
What he'd wanted to say
I found out too late,
That he felt the same way

I'd already fallen,
For another man
I'd said "I do",
And he took my hand

It was never mailed in,
Love didn't open its door
He put our friendship first,
And for that I loved him more

Younger Me would've been pleased,
So I chose to be too
All these years it was mutual,
And I hadn't a clue

Although nothing changed,
In my heart he had a room
If he'd given me the letter,
He would've been my groom

The night of my wedding,
I found poetry
If only he'd decided,
To give it to me.


It's the thought that counts.

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