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Parents compare better grades, better game,
To them, every child is just the same.

"If he can do it, why can't you?"
"If she got that much, you can too."

They say they'll support whatever you choose,
But when your opinions differ, you're bound to lose.

"Be like her. She's done something great."
"He's on time. Why are you always late?"

They know it's wrong, but they do it anyway,
They compare and demotivate with the things they say.

"Your sister's behaving. Why aren't you?"
"If your brother is acing, you can too."

Parents compare you to siblings, to friends,
They don't mean any harm, they don't want to offend.

"She's a topper. Be like her," they say.
"He's school captain. You should be there one day."

They don't compare you because they don't believe,
They're trying to push you further to achieve.

Instead of comparing our every move,
They should be focusing on where we've improved.

After a lecture, when seeing tears in your eyes,
The stern act dissolves and the comparisons die.

They'll always appreciate you for who you are,
In your own way, you're a shooting star.

Whatever your grades, whatever your game,
They'll never see you as one and the same.

They may compare you, you may have a fight,
But an "I love you" at the end makes it alright.


• • •
Parents say things all the time without considering the consequences. It's funny how many times my parents brought up my best friend's talents and my brother's grades while I was growing up.
But looking back on it, I realize none of that mattered.

Although it hurt quite a lot when they said things to me about qualities I couldn't adopt, while simultaneously ignoring the things I could do, I knew deep down that they loved me for who I was and were just trying to give me a harder push.

At the end of the day, parents mean well. They love you no matter how much you stumble and fall.
It's their job to pick you up.

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