One Book at a Time

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As I jovially walked my way back home,
I saw a girl standing all alone.
In tattered clothes and grime on her hands,
She hopelessly tried to sell fans.

At eight years old she already looked worn,
Her expression downcast as she stood forlorn.
My joviality dissipated and empathy took its place,
As I saw the poor girl's morose face.

Education is a privilege given only to a few,
The misery of some- I hadn't a clue.
The youth had been stolen from her eyes,
So I decided to change the world, one book at a time.

Reaching into my bag, I pulled out a pen,
And a sheaf of papers that I could lend.
I tapped the girl's shoulder and took a seat,
And on that very street, I began to teach.

Every day as I walked on my way back home,
I made sure the girl was never alone.
With a smile on my face and a book in my hand,
I dreamed of a day when she wouldn't sell fans.

Education is a privilege given only to a few,
But I prayed that one day that wouldn't be true.
I taught her to write words, albeit a few,
At least she was learning something new.

Eventually she learnt to be fluent with her words,
I'd given her an incentive on how to conquer the world.
Using wisdom as my weapon, I taught her how to fight-
For the education that was every child's right.

At twenty years old, she told the world her story,
And I was ever so proud of our camaraderie.
One book, one pen can change a life,
She put an end to her struggle, an end to her strife.

Education is a privilege given only to a few,
But one book at a time, we can change that too.
The tints of desolation in her eyes,
Were replaced with wisdom's light.

As I walked along that very same road,
I remembered the poor girl's miserable abode.
I looked down at the same book now in my hands,
And missed the girl who once sold fans.

Education is a privilege given only to a few,
But if I could change that, so can you
One book at a time, we can fight-
For the education that is every child's right.



This is a poem I hold very dear to my heart and I hope it made a difference.

I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who is reading this book right now. You mean the world to me, and if you weren't reading, I'd never have the motivation to write every single day.

I'd also like to thank PossibilityAwards for awarding this book the first place in the poetry category.

Thank you for all the love and support!

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