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I once wrote a poem,
About my broken heart
I said that it'd been torn,
Part by part
I once wrote a poem,
About my broken heart
And how it would never heal.

I once wrote a poem,
About my self esteem
I said that it was missing,
It couldn't be seen
I once wrote a poem,
About my self esteem
And everything else you could steal.

I once wrote a poem,
About my inner thoughts
My mind was bleeding,
My soul was starting to rot
I once wrote a poem,
About my inner thoughts
And how I couldn't feel.

I once wrote a poem,
About how I wasn't strong
I said the memories,
Wouldn't let me move on
I once wrote a poem,
About how I wasn't strong
And how my mask had peeled.

Years down the line,
I'm writing a poem
I'm saying that I'm happy,
Back then wasn't the end
At the time I felt,
Like I couldn't make it out
But Darling, that's not real.


• • •
I'm so sorry for the notification burst!
I was going through my old poetry book, Candid, and I got inspiration for a lot of new poems.
It's nice to see how much I've grown since then.

I won't be updating again till October 1st, so savor these poems, haha!

Thanks for reading Paroxysm!❤

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