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We said we'd talk when the road split into two,
And here we are. What do we do?
We enjoyed the ride with each other in our lives,
But alas, my love, the bumps have arrived.

We can't stop now, there's a journey to complete,
But who knows if one day our roads will meet
It's a chance that we will have to take,
If only we could halt and hit the brakes.

We've come so far, we've loved so deep,
Forever, my heart is yours to keep
We changed with every traffic light,
We flourished after every fight.

We loved, we lost, we lived it all,
We feared, we fought, and now we fall
Two different paths, different dreams,
The very same ship on different streams.

We travelled the path seamlessly,
But we've reached the end of you and me
We're parallel lines that will never meet,
We may never reuinte, never be complete.

We battled with love and time all along,
We rebelled, we rioted, and nothing went wrong
We knew this day would come from the start,
Yet we stayed together till we were pulled apart.

We were something, weren't we? I'll never be the same,
I'll never be ready to get back in the game
I'll think about you wherever I go,
You're the only love I'll ever know.

We may cross paths in a few years,
By then I'll be smiles and far less tears
We'll start afresh on a new road,
Make a living in our own abode
But for now your dream is yours and you're not turning back,
Promise me you'll possess the strength that I lack.

We'll have the memories of a beautiful past,
A road of history that didn't last
When the crossroads come and we must part ways,
I'll never forget our golden days.

Cam we fight the distance, can we battle the miles?
Can I live without seeing your precious smile?
Can I travel alone with just memories,
And the thought of you remembering me?
Can we make it through till we meet again,
Can we hold it together without hitting a dead end?

Please say yes, don't turn away,
Don't switch lanes; stay, stay, stay
I'll remember the way your hair falls in your eyes,
The way you'll kiss me before bidding goodbye
Can we fight the miles while we're apart?
We may be distant, but never in our hearts.

• • •
Distance means so little, when someone means so much.

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