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There once was a girl,
With a fiery soul
A gentle heart,
And a voice so bold
Her beauty was praised,
Throughout the land
And every young lad,
Wished for her hand.

Suitor after suitor,
Came riding by
They stared at her,
Desire in their eyes
From princes to paupers,
All lined up to impress
One question was all she asked them,
Not more, not less.

"Describe my beauty,"
Was all she said
And the suitors all answered,
From the top of their heads
"Hair like husked corn,
Clear blue eyes,
And porcelain skin,"said Sir Kyle.

"Hair like ebony!"
Protested another man
"Lips red like a rose,
The fairest in the land."
Several others tried,
Saying what they could see
For they all saw in her,
Their definitions of beauty.

One saw a smile,
That brought joy to his life
In her face one saw kindness,
Another saw his wife
Days had passed,
But to her dismay
None of her suitors said,
What she hoped they would say.

The girl began losing faith,
And all her adherence
For not one of her many suitors,
Had described her true appearance
She wasn't beautiful after all,
Or so she began to fear
When at last one came along,
To tell her how she appeared

There was one who found her beautiful,
It all became crystal clear
For as she stared at her reflection,
Her insecurities disappeared.


• • •
In a world where you appear to each individual as their definition of beauty, remember that you are still going to look like yourself to the mirror.
And the mirror thinks that you're beautiful.

I've been writing a lot on the theme of self love this past week in order to cope with insecurity, and believe me, it's working.

Sometimes, the biggest evil is your own mind. You've got to fight it.

Check out my new book, Chameleon, for more poems on this theme.

Thank you for all your continuous love and support!❤

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