Little Lamb

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Mary had a little lamb,
Who stood by her through every scam
She robbed, she killed, she broke a hand,
What Mary wished was her command.

Everywhere that Mary went,
Her little lamb set up a tent
Though Mary's heart was filled with greed,
Her little lamb fulfilled every deed.

Mary's heart was poisoned black,
But her little lamb had her back
Whatever she plotted, whatever were her plans,
Her little lamb stayed her one fan.

The days wore on and the crimes grew,
There came a time when the little lamb knew
She had to leave, let go, set free,
As her heart was pure, like her snow white fleece.

She tried to escape, her conscience was chained,
Her mind was poisoned and her heart was stained
She'd followed in her footsteps for far too long,
She couldn't tell her right from her wrong.

Mary had a little lamb,
Who stood by her through every scam
Instead of leaving, she chose to wait,
She didn't know she was poisoned till it was too late.

• • •
It's better to walk alone than to follow someone who's walking in the wrong direction.

Don't let peer pressure rule your life.
Don't let others' opinions shadow your own.

Don't be someone else's little lamb. Be a Mary. (With better intentions, of course.)

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