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I led a simple life,
With no sorrow, no pain
I sang the same songs,
I travelled the same lanes
There was no adventure,
No days out of the blue
Everything stayed constant,
Until I met you.

You all walked in,
Like the burst of monsoon
Like fire meeting rain,
The sun seeing the moon
You lashed at the normality,
Brought thunder to my skies
You awoke a new me,
By the next sunrise.

You broke down my walls,
You cut off my strings
You unleashed my mind,
And in freedom it now sings
You brought rage into my eyes,
Induced grief in my heart
Splotched colour onto my soul,
And created this art.

Puppeteer, I thank you,
For reigning my mind
For making me feel emotions,
I didn't know I could find
You cut the wounds,
I used the blood to write
The rage created poetry,
Look what came of our fight.

Our once toxic friendship,
Cut scars into our hearts
But on looking back I realize,
We made art
Those words we hurled,
Those acts we regret
They all created something,
We'll never forget.

Dear ex-lover,
I'm glad you cheated
I'm thankful for the heartbreak,
I'm grateful I was defeated
For if I hadn't driven past,
That bump in the way
I wouldn't be the girl,
I am today.

Thank you, Society,
For being as flawed as you are
If you hadn't been imperfect,
I wouldn't have gone this far
Thank you for the expectations,
The mistreatment, the labels
I wouldn't have written all this,
If you weren't so unstable.

Best friend, I know,
We had some ups and downs
But we will always be there,
To fix each other's crowns
We fought, we cried,
We hugged it out in the end
My heart will run back to you,
Again and again.

My love, thank you,
For not running away
I led you to the dark side,
And you chose to stay
You overlooked my madness,
You embraced all my flaws
You only saw my wings,
And made me forget about my claws.

Hate, Love,
Sorrow, Rage
I thank you for being the ink,
I spilled onto this page
You inspired these words,
You instilled these thoughts
You have no clue whatsoever,
How much you have taught.

These poems, these stories,
They're nothing but pain
But I spun them into art,
I made them a gain
I turned the negativity,
Into words of advice
A new way for the world,
To live their lives.

My paroxysms became poetry,
I used anger to create
A world in my mind,
That was devoid of hate
I wrote for the world,
I wrote for me
But most importantly I wrote,
For the girl I used to be.

Look for inspiration,
Your coals, your spark
Hunt for your lighthouse,
When you're stranded in the dark
Find your ember,
The ashes you must catch
Search for the people,
Who light your match.

• • •
The End.
• • •

Dear Readers,

Thank you for joining me on this wonderful whirlwind of emotions.
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this book, as it was very different from my other poetry collections.

I wrote Better Left Unsaid when I first joined Wattpad, and I was very, very new to poetry.
I wrote about instances and feelings as if I knew all about them, when really, I had no clue.

Whisper of Silence was me branching out and using concept-based poems and metaphors to explain myself. I'd have to say Paroxysm is most like this one, out of the three collections.

Candid's filled with honest stories of love, heartbreak and positivity. It consists of mainly narrative poems.

Paroxysm's been my darkest collection so far. I wanted to write more about our society and about the world at large, as well as capture raw, pure emotions.

I really hope you liked reading this book just as much as I loved writing it ❤

Don't worry, I'm not done with poetry yet (don't think I'll ever be)!
I'm going to be starting my next collection, Magnolia, as soon as possible, so keep an eye out for that!

Thank you once again for all the love and support; I really appreciate it ❤


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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