Welcome Home

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I dreamed of welcoming you-
With open arms
And deeming myself amicable,
With faux charms

I dreamed of seeing you at bliss to be home,
But instead I've never felt more alone.

I hoped to open-
The doors of my past
And revisit the memories,
Of when I'd seen you last

I hoped to see you in ecstacy,
But it looks like that was just me.

I thought I'd be happier,
Than I'd been in the past week
Upon your arrival,
There'd be no tears staining my cheeks

I thought it'd be like it was before,
But I've never felt more insecure

I knew time would change us,
In many ways
But I thought we'd last forever,
Isn't that what they used to say?

I knew those days were over, when we'd freely roam,
But I still love you the way I did, so welcome home.


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