Dear You

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Dear Sister,
You were always the one to lighten my days and bring a smile on my face. I could tell you just about anything without the fear of judgement and you'd do the same with me. My interests became yours and your friends became mine. We learnt to love everything about each other.
What made us stop?

Dear Best Friend,
I could depend on you to help me during a mental breakdown and you could turn to me for advice even in the silent hours of the night. You were my walking diary, my unpaid therapist and my number one supporter. You were there to cheer me on even when I was at my lowest.
When did that end?

Dear Friend,
Somewhere along the way, my lows became normality and my happiness, nonexistent. My breakdowns lasted an eternity and my weakpoints outweighed my strong ones.
The balance was broken and depression threatened to vanquish my existence. I believed it when you told me that you'd always be there, but where were you when I really needed you?
Just like my happiness, did you disappear owing to my instability?
Slowly, as time and silence built a wall between us, I started to accept our fate.
Eventually, I added bricks to it, out of betrayal and grief.
Where did you go?

Dear Stranger,
We now pretend like we were nothing but acquaintances from the very start. You only need me as a source of entertainment. When I'm exuberant, you stay around. When I'm in pain, I'm exiled.
What I really want is for you to inquire; to ooze out every last detail and make me feel like you truly loved me and that our friendship wasn't a fantasy my mind had conjured.
Prove to me that that unconditional support, stability and serendipity was a reality.
Prove to me that that girl I knew is still out there, so that we can embark upon the journey from strangers to sisters once again.

Half a Heart.

• • •
A/N The moment I finished writing this, she called. If that isn't fate, I don't know what is.

If you ever stumble upon this one day, know that I love you. I always have and always will, no matter how far we grow apart. Our paths collided once, and the memories we made will always be etched in my heart.


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